Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Mark Allen
Dana Antonelli (Stiegemeier)
Lenn Barney
Cheryl Beck
Jeff Bedard
Rozanne Bosch (Little)
Will Bruse
Charles Clanton
Rick Clary
Peggy Dane (Cutler)
Pete Daniels
Dave Driesbach
Barry Dunn
Lynda Dye (Bowers)
Mary Ferree (Hohn)
Judy Florey (Mitley)
Kathy Fultz
Wes Gardipe
Jerry Gladish
Barb Graisy
Penny Haney
Jeannine Hanks (Stoke)
Sue Hardaway (Smathers)
Pam Harding
Kent Hembd
Vickie Hill
Carol Hoff (Sellars)
Sally Hogan (Brunner)
Ted Hogeweide
James Hollingsworth
Larry Howell
Rick James
Jack Johnson
Marlene Johnson (Logan)
Curt Jordan
Doreen Kiefer (Edwards)
Teri Kirsch (Lindenberg)
Roy Lewis
Mike Lively
Janice Masterson
Mary Masterson (Lambert)
Gay Mattson (Glasson)
Mike Myers
Kevin Oliver
Wanda Peck (Harris)
Berdene Penman (Brunko)
Susan Phillips (Morris)
Patti Poland (Hook)
Susan Poland (Macklin)
Paul Radmer
Corrine Rash (Allen)
Rod Sala
Marla Sawyer (Haller)
Rene Schumacher
Deanna Sellars
Denise Singer (Brown)
Michelle Smith
Chris Stone
Jay Stone
Debbie Sylte (Anderson)
Kim Taylor
Gary Viebrock
Valorie Wachtel (Bisher)
Doris Ward
Terry Weaver
Debbie Westlake (Robinson)
Walt Wilcott
Debbie Willis (Schu)
Debbie Woodland
Todd Younker
