In Memory

Ervan Wingate

Ervan Wingate

Deceased Classmate: Ervan Wingate
Date Of Birth: 01-12-1954
Date Deceased: 04-14-2020
Age at Death: 66
Cause of Death: Cancer
Classmate City: Redlands
Classmate State: CA
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: Wife Connie of 48 years 3 sons Ervan, Theo and Ty and 4 grandchildren Eli, Ali, Emery, Talia and two daughter in-laws Jen and Alisha

I first met Ervan in the 6th grade at Lugonia elementary, i always knew we were destined to be together, we started to live together in our senior year of high school and had been together until God decided to call him home , 4/14/20.Now that Ervan is gone I know now I was blessed, just by having him in my life, I have 3 great boys and 4 wonderful grandchildren and the memories, Ervan left me I will cherish for ever. I love him, and miss him, I wish I could bring him back, but I can’t but I find comfort in knowing he is no longer in pain, I miss our daily walks but I know he is with me , and guides me everyday . I Love You Ervan and Miss You, You are forever in my heart , your loving wife, soul mate Connie

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08/14/20 01:18 PM #1    

Yolanda Bosch (Hatzopoulos)

May God guide you and keep you safe. May His Memory Be Eternal. I went to school with him and remember his kindness. Yolanda Bosch- Hatzopoulos 



08/15/20 04:07 PM #2    

David Ater

He hit a home run off me in 9th grade at Cope. Hit the rooftop of one of the houses in left field. Longest ball I ever saw hit there!

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