Help! / FAQ

Purpose of this site:

This Cave Spring High School 'Alumni' WebSite was created to have a (hopefully) permanent, always-available internet location for help locating past and future graduates of the school.  HOWEVER, there is a greatly diverse populous out there that makes Cave Spring High School the great place it was (and is.)    In that vein, this site is open to anyone who has 'touched' CSHS over the years.  This means friends, family, attendees, staff, faculty, students and graduates are encouraged to join in and participate.

The secondary purpose of this website is to help Alumni find their SPECIFIC websites with upcoming reuinion and other information, such as the CSHS Class of 1983.  In addition, I am more than willing to set up (or assist YOU in setting up) a website for YOUR class, and hand off the administration duties to whomever is deemed the administrator.  The great thing about this site ( is that it is absolutely free at this time.

How to Join / Register / Inquire / give information / make corrections / etc:

Fastest method is to use the 'Contact' Us' button at the top of the page.  This sends me an email and I will respond to any inquiry in a timely fashion.  Please understand "I have a daytime job" (and "I'm doin' allright" -- Dire Straits) so my response to you may not be immediate on business days.  Expect an answer by 8PM EST that day's evening in any case.  If you are wishing to join the website, please include how you would like your name to appear in the classmates list.  There are a few quirks you need to be aware of... see 'Registration, Part 2:', below...

Regitration, Part 2:

There are a couple of  'gotcha's' in the registration for this site.  To get around how the website sorts and displays names, please follow the advice that follows.   After you have contacted me and  I set up an 'account' (registration) for you, please click on the 'Classmate Profiles' and click on your name.  You will then be presented with a screen that looks similar to:

Here's the best way to fill in a few of the fields I have found so far:

In the First Name Field, fill in your first name (duh!), preferably the name you went by in school.

In the Last Name Field, fill in  your Maiden name first, then a space, and then your married name (if any).  Guys - you know what to do... just put in your last name.  Arghh.

In the Married Last Name Field (Here's the tricky Part), whether you are man, woman or alien, put something in there that identifies either your class of who you are.  Some examples:  '1983', 'Faculty', 'Staff', 'Friend', 'Spouse', 'Friend', 'Ex-Principal', etc.  I KNOW this is weird, but it gives others a way to know who/what you are and is only done because of a limitation of this website.  This is a minor inconvenience for something that is free!

Who set up this here website? /  To whom do I direct complaints?:

Rob Folden, CSHS Class of 1983.
CLICK HERE to contact me, sling mud or share humorous stories.
