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Dear Robbinsdale Class of 1964,

Well here we are at our 45th high school reunion. Each of us received the invitation and each of us here decided to come. What is the force that draws us here tonight and why is it so energizing? Certainly it’s fun to reminisce and share our memories, but it is so much more. If we were to meet on the street today, what would we see? We would see the reality… the passing of time and we would see faces that resemble our own. But when we gather, we share a special gift …our youth. We hold up a different mirror for each other. We see beyond the passing of time and when we look at our friends, we see the young person we knew, the young person that still resides in each of us. It awakens and enlivens that young person and we remember, despite the joys and sorrows of our lives, all of who we truly are.

In an exchange on the wonderful reunion website, a classmate I had known since 7th grade wrote about his memories of skating at Northport School. The fun of the evening involved the girls chasing the boys or vise-versa grabbing the willing victim’s hat and then trying to keep it away for as long as possible….such simple pleasures. This kept us entertained for several winters. I wrote and asked him what it was that made grabbing hats so fun? Honestly, his unexpected response made my heart skip a beat. It brought me back to being in 7th grade. I could feel the ice, the wind, frozen toes, the warmth of the warming house and I remembered the thrill…yes, the thrill of capturing the chosen hat. And what was his response? “The boys hats were promises of things to come” and they were.

So here we are at our 45th high school reunion. May each of us here tonight seize the opportunity to hold up the mirror for others, bask in the reflection others offer us and share memories that make our hearts skip a beat.

Susan A Kaercher Meyers








Cindy Cobey (Sutton) and Cathi Jo Condon (Smith)


 Rick Digatono and Kathy Engwer (Waletich, Cooper 65) dancing to the Whitesidewalls



 The Whitesidewalls



 The Whitesidewalls



 During program - Carol Hognes (Hebeisen), MC Rick Digatono, and Mary Kight (Engen)


 captive audience


 Enjoying classmates


 Enjoying classmates


 laughing, talking, enjoying


 Kathy Taylor (Molde) and Donna Bodin (Liveringhouse) rockin


 Sherry and Donna


 The bar stayed busy!


 Gary, Sharon, Jeanne and Lee "slow dancing"


 Sherry (waving to her fans); David & Janice (Merkel) Graham




 Di Olson (Rodine) dancin with _Person_G__________


 Carolyn Patten (standing), the Lunds and the Swansons


 Bob Engen and Tom Westervelt


 Alyce, Frank, Donna, Pat


 Dancin at Chubbs, er no, at the Medina


 Gary Moss doin his thing


 Some of the beautiful girls of 64 that we've all heard about


 Karen Benson, Cindy Cobey (Sutton), Coleen Murphy, Pat Nygaard, & Sharon Dukatz (Keller)


 Clint Westring & ????


Carol Birkland & Alyce Alden (Palm)



Dave Harder, Bruce Alan Johnson, Greg Cutlan & Dave LeMieur


 Frank Palm and some ladies


 Mary Kight (Engen), Judy Lindroth (Kallestad) & Sandy Rehbein (Larson)


 1964 Wannabees - Mike Howe (RHS 65), Jim Uzzell (RHS 65) and wife Roxie Uzzell (RHS???)




 Steve Larson, Mary Kight (Engen) and Bruce Allen Johnson - Bob Bolin on chair in back 




 Unknown _Person_D___________ & Leanna Gustafson (Erickson)


 Roger Iverson and Kathy Stoltenberg (King)??


 Intra-class Slow Dancin - Frank & Alyce Palm, Mike & Nancy Schuster


 Bill Hill enjoys the scenery


 Alyce and Cheryl


 Tom Hostad and Clint Westring


 Ann Gawtry (Zimmerman), Bonnie Gabrys (Saul), & Nancy Kalin (Weller)


 John Coleman (Grand Prize Winner) and Tom Bodin


 Marlene (Peavey) & Tom Roden


 Siu-Linn Chong and soulmate E.J. Maki


 standing - John Nerdahl, Dave Lundquist and Cal Kerr; sitting-Gary Novicki & wife Sharon


 Merri Lee Pederson (Henderson), Janice Merkel (Graham),__________, Greg Henderson, & ______________


 Reading the Robins Tales (donated by Carol Birkland)


 Cindy Cobey (Sutton) and Jackie Marty


 Glenn Roberts (RHS 63), Mike & Nancy Howe, Frank & Alyce Palm


 Unknown_Person_H___________, Pat Nygaard, Kathy Hargarten


Dancing the night away - Carolyn Anderson (Tunby), Bruce Johnson, Sherry Palm (Schwen), Gary Moss


 Sherry Palm (Schwen), Mike & Nancy Schuster, Alyce & Frank Palm


 Nancy Haggren (Ryan), Tom Hostad, Greg Smith. Greg Cutlan in the background, and Jim Sentyrz's tall shoulder


 Ron Thoreson and wife Sallie


 Dick Ransdell, John & Jolene Nerdahl, Dave & Elaine Harder, Gary Moss' back, Jerry Bull