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Find and click on your name.


Your site administrators (Tom Blum and I) have renewed our ownership of the domain name for the last time.  Its purpose was to redirect people to the classcreator website:

So after Oct 13, 2023, that is the URL you will need to use.  

Hopefully I will remember to send a reminder next year.  And have a great one.

Bob Kettig ('69)


The Official Web Site of

The Beta Delta Gamma Fraternity
at the University of Rochester

Created October 12, 2011

Home Page Visitors since then:




 Welcome Brother!


New to the Site?

Click on Brother Profiles (top left) and click on your graduating year. Find your name and enter a minimum of a valid e-mail address and a password you create. Be sure to save at the end.

Note: Contact information to build this site came from several sources. We no doubt have personal information (e.g., graduating year) wrong in some places. Easiest is to just start typing your name in the box on the Brother Profiles page and see what the system comes up with. If you're not there at all or can't figure out how to do something, just drop a line to "Contact Us" (top center). Pleas note: you create your own password.

If you find your name in the wrong year, fill in the information in your profile and then let us know. BTW, we're flexible... if you pledged with one class but graduated in another year, tell us what year you want to be associated with. We can move you from one year to the next without any problem (what does the U of R know, anyway).

We've loaded the site with a very formal name for you but you're encouraged to change it to either one we knew you by or you'd like to be called now. Mine started out as "Dr. James C. Minor". I went into Edit Contact Information (left-hand navigationpanel) and changed it to "Jim (Jolly Green) Minor".
If you see we've left out a brother and you know his e-mail, use the box at the bottom of the right-hand column to send him an invitation to join. Alternatively, you can "Contact Us", tell us as much as you can about him (name, class year, address, etc.) and we'll create a spot for him.  Note, to be a brother, at some time he had to have pledged the fraternity. It is not necessary that he graduated from the U. of R. There is also a site status as "Guest". If you have someone you'd like to sponsor in that capacity, use the "Contact Us" link to give some background for the request. Guests have all web site priviledges as brothers.

Although you can't see a brother's e-mail address on the site, even if he hasn't signed on yet we may have it already in the site. (If he has joined the site he had to supply, a hopefully valid, e-mail address). You can send him a message by using the functions in the Message Center (left-hand navigation panel). You write the message on the site and the system sends him a note telling him he has a message and to come here to read it. Feel free to play around a little.

For more help, see the Video Tutorials page.

Finally- E-Mails from this site will be from Make sure you white-list this so your system doesn't block it. If you're not sure what this means, use the "Missing Brothers" box at the bottom of the right-hand column to e-mail yourself an invitation to join the site. If the message gets through, you're good-to-go. If not, send a note to "Contact Us", giving your e-mail address so we can get back to you with some suggested fixes.


Navigation Hint: Click on the BDG Emblem or the Image of Burton Hall that appears at the top of any page to bring you back to this Home Page.

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What's New


July 11, 2012 - Brother Rick Pugach ('69) Has provided photos of the BDG Gross Cup. At the bottom of the BDG Memorabilia page.

May 30, 2012 - Right on cue, Brothers Blum/Schaeffer have provided us with the 1954 Beta Delta Gamma newsletter and the 1956 issue of "The Star and Shield". On the BDG History page.

May 29, 2012 - Brother Tom Blum ('65) has been quite busy scanning and photographing composites...

Brother Dave Schaeffer ('51) has provided the 1962 Alumni Directory. It's on the BDG History page. We're told there's more to come from Dave.

Brother Rick Pugach ('69) has provided composites for 1968, 1969, and 1970. They're on the BDG Composites page. Tom says he'll start using these to provide brother profile pictures for this era.

Thanks to all!

May 15, 2012 - Brother Dave Schaeffer ('51), working with his neighbor, Brother Tom Blum ('65), has supplied us with the BDG 1950 composite. On the BDG Composites page. We're going to need some help identifying the brothers in the composite.

He's also supplied us with a photograph of the brothers in Todd Union in 1950. On the BDG History page. Dave tells us there's more to come!

April 23, 2012 - Brother Ross Ferlito has found his 1958 BDG composite and sent it in. Brother Tom Blum has worked his image manipulation magic on it and it's now on the BDG Composites page. Brother Blum tells us he'll be extracting individual photos from the composite for 3 classes of "missing" profile photos and be inserting them in the very near future. Thanks to all!

March 1, 2012 - Updated Reunion 2012 list of attendees.

February 11, 2012 - Have started a reunion attendee list near the top of the 2012 Reunion page. Will update it from time-to-time as new data becomes available.

February 4, 2012 - Doc Tindall and company have finalized the schedule of events for our reunion this October. The schedule and registration form are on the 2012 Reunion page.

February 1, 2012 - Thanks to  Manny Paxhia, '54, we have information on the October, 2004 "Cluster" reunion. On the Past Reunions page.

Doc Tindall ('65) interviewed his dad, Herb Tindall ('36) a few years back about life in the early days of Beta Delt. A transcript of that interview is now on the BDG History page. Thanks, Doc!

January 31, 2012 - Thanks to  Manny Paxhia, '54, and Bill Clark ('65) we have some real BDG History. We'd love to get more information on any aspect of our history. Just drop a line to Contact Us (Jim Minor).

January 30, 2012 - Added slideshow of pictures from a road trip that brother's Doc Tindall and Jim McKelvey took to Rochester to deliver classic 16 mm movie films to the U of R. At the bottom of the Past Reunions page.

January 28, 2012 - Brother Blum has extracted the individual brothers' photos from the 1955 - 1957 composities provided by brother Ferlito and inserted them in the respective brothers' profile pages. Brother Blum requests that if  something has been misplaced to please let him know.

January 13, 2012 - Brother Dave Coulter has provided the obituary of brother Steve Willard who passed away in 2009. Thank you, Dave.

January 5, 2012 - Brother Jim Minor provided a photo of a BDG ashtray used as a party favor, ca. 1964. At the bottom of the BDG Memorobilia page.

January 4, 2012 - Brother Minor scanned the 1955 - 1957 composites mailed to him by brother Ferlito into 2 halves (entire composite wouldn't fit on his home scanner). Brother Blum worked his magic to stitch the two halves back together. They can now be found (and downloaded, if you wish) on the BDG Composites page.

January 3, 2012 - Ross Ferlito ('58) has sent in a snapshot (top of the Past Reunions page) and composites for 1954 - 1957 (to be scanned... stay tuned).

January 1, 2012 - Posted the December statistics for this web site on the Site Statistics page. We now have 118 brothers registered on the site.


To keep this list to a manageable size, older "What's New" announcement are on the Announcement Log page.



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Site Administration

This site is owned and operated by the brothers of Beta Delta Gamma. There are no fees to join. If you're a Beta Delt, you're already paid for.

The current administrators are Tom Blum ('65) and Bob Kettig ('69) + other brothers as TBD.  And a special recognition to creator and past administrator Jim Minor ('65), may he rest in peace.

The site is password protected. As long as you check the proper boxes at the bottom of your profile (you can always come back and change elections later) your personal information is safe. Robo web-crawlers/trollers will not be able to get at your personal information.

Your e-mail address is never displayed.

Of course no information stored herein will ever be shared with other parties.

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