Door Prize Survey

Thanks for taking this survey to help us get better information about our classmates.

All questions have comment boxes for you to fill in and only a few simple questions are required. 

The "Odd Story" question is for the really odd things that seem to happen to a small percentage of us, or a brush with fame situation.  Like that time you were standing in line at the airport behind Bob Dylan, and you both realized that your flight to MSP had been cancelled, so he bought you airport Subway, you both sat around smoking clove cigarettes and listening to some new Depeche Mode until you both fall asleep on the airport bathroom floor?  Yeah...  that kind of odd story.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Type your name - Ladies - please put your maiden name in quotes so we can get prizes to the correct people.

2)   * How many miles will you travel to attend the reunion? (Prize for the most miles and the least miles)

3)   * What class did you take at Rockford that was the most useful? and the least useful? (General Info)

4)   How many times have you been married? (Door Prize to the most)

5)   * Do you recall a favorite teacher and why? (General Info)

6)   Do you have an "Odd Story" that happened to you that is too cool to keep secret? Prizes awarded for good ones.

