55TH REUNION - 2014
Time Honored Traditions - Since 1878
Rocky River High School
Class Of 1959
September 13, 2014 / 11:00 am - ???????
(See below for those that will be attending)
We are writing to those of you who have registered for our 2014 RRHS Mini-Reunion to suggest you contact Classmates you’d like to see and encourage them to register now. A fair number of people responded to our initial survey expressing their intention to come but have not as yet registered. We realize that it may be impractical for some Classmates who live far away but we’d like to get great participation from those who are nearby. September 13 may seem like a long way off but it’ll be here before we know it ….. or am I the only one for whom time is flying by ever faster?
So do it now – make sure the Classmates you want to see are there! Registration form is attached if you need to send one to them.
For your convenience, below is the original invitation and registration form. See you in September, Bill
Dear Classmate: The following announcement has been on our website for some time - have you seen it?
Quite a few Classmates have suggested not waiting until 2019 for another "regular" Class of "59” reunion and thought that maybe a reunion in 2014 would be a good idea. We're excited to suggest a scaled down all-day event, starting about 11:00 am on Saturday, September 13, 2014. It would be an informal cookout at the Cleveland Yacht Club featuring BBQ chicken and ribs dinner with all the trimmings. We'd have beer, wine and pop (that's "soda" for those who have been away from Ohio to too long). We're going to keep the budget at only $38.00 per person. What a deal! BUT WAIT . . . THERE'S MORE.
We are told that our RR High School has undergone yet another transformation and that we could arrange a tour of the new school at 10:00 am on Saturday, before the CYC outing. Also on Friday afternoon, a golf outing can be arranged. Specifics will be settled based on interest.
On top of that, (part of the reason this date was picked) there is a RRHS football game on Friday evening. Not sure who the opponent is but we thought maybe a tailgate party at Herb's would be fun. No heavy planning, just show up if you want to. Sunday would be on your own - maybe lunch at the newly re-opened Bearden's? Maybe just hanging out with those special friends you haven't seen in a long time.
We’ve had a positive response thus far. Not to put too fine a pin on it friends, but we're not getting any younger. What we need now is simply to have as many of our Classmates as possible return the attached reservation forms along with a check. So send in the registration forms as early as possible, call your classmates and make sure they do the same and make it a go for the Class of ’59!
Rocky River Class of 1959 Mini-Reunion Registration
Saturday, September 13, 2014 Cleveland Yacht Club 11:00am – how long can you last?
Name _______________________________ # people _____ Check enclosed ($38 p/p) __________
Address___________________________________ City_____________________ State/Zip ___________
Is this a corrected address? Y N Current email (promise, we won’t sell it) ______________________
Interested in (circle): RRHS Building tour Golf on Friday Other?_________________________
Please make checks payable to Rocky River Class of 1959 . I understand that if this event this doesn’t happen for any reason, my check will promptly be returned to me. Please RSVP as soon as possible.
Please mail this form and your check to:
RRHS Class of 59, c/o Bill Koenig, 7458 Shadowbrook Drive, Kirtland, OH 44094.
Questions? Best to email me at wjkoenig@hotmail.com. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Thanks, Bill
John Benderman
Manfred Berger
Jerrry Chris Boylan
Jeff Dawson
Tom Delamatter
Barbara Drusendahl Hildebrand
Ken Forbes
Dick Gallagher
Jack Greenleaf
Charlie Grossman
John Hull
Henry Klein
Bill Koenig
Gerry Kuechle
Ken Letson
Bill Miller
Melinda Morrison Lovell
Kent Nehoda
Dennis Paul
Judy Peate Johnson
Carol Smith Evans
Bill Stewart
Judy Stofer Block
Suzanne Swope
Bob Thomas
Lucille Howard Wingard