In Memory

Charla Tierce (Davis)

Charla Tierce (Davis)

Charla passed away at 4:20PM, July 21, 2012.  As you may know, she had been fighting cancer for some time and had been with her family in Colorado more recently.  It was great to see Chuckie at the 50th Reunion and we extend our deepest sympathies to her family.  Barbara Drusendahl Hildebrand was able to visit with her only a week ago and reported that she was struggling.  May Chuckie finally rest in peace.  I will always remeber her as vivacious and fun loving - a real sparkplug.  She will be missed.  Bill

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08/01/12 04:26 PM #1    

Bob Thomas

Another outstanding individual from Rocky River is gone.  I met Charla when I moved to Rocky River from Ft. Lauderdale just after Christmas 1953 - I think it was '53. Here was this beautiful young girl sitting next to me...I was smitten. Though Charla and I never dated, we became good friends & stayed in touch over the years.  About 15 years ago, I was in San Francisco, and persuaded Charla to travel to Carmel for the day - with dinner included before returning. Now before anyone thinks "nasty," I had our Executive VP, Myra Herrin, with me. The 3 of us had a terrific time. And...the last time I saw her was at our 50th. Charla was a neat girl, and that never changed as she evolved into a woman!

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