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First Time Visitors

Hello! On this page you will learn how to set up your profile, which can be done on the Classmate Profiles page. 
First though, beware of the ads you will most definitely see. Some are very intrusive. On most pages you will see pop-up-ads.  Yes they are very annoying, but…
  • you can close them individually if they interfere with your use of the site; 
  • the ads pay for our free use of the site.



In order to to join the website and access the pages that are password protected on this site, you must set up a profile by providing a minimum of your email address, and a password. Once you join, you can control what personal information is displayed in your profile and what information you receive and how often.

To set up your profile, read the bulleted list below, then locate the Classmate Profiles or click on the Classmate Profiles tab in the blue menu box.

  • Click on your name in the list of classmates. If your name is not already on the list, but you were part of the Roslyn High School Class of 1967, contact Alan Pasnik (apasnik49@gmail.com) and he will add your name.
  • Close any pop-up ads that appear.
  • You will then land on your profile page – you’ll see your name in the top left. Click the link, “Join Here”.
  • You will have arrived at the 4-step process to join. It is pretty self-explanatory. Follow the prompts.  In Step 2, there is a check box about Profile Visibility. You should check this box. If you don’t, your profile may be seen by the general public.
  • The other check boxes are self-explanatory.

Adding pictures to your profile:

We encourage you to add a current picture to your profile as a "Master Photo" or 'Now" photo. Adding current pictures is not a requirement to participate on the site, but it certainly is a nice way to get to know people again. We've had reports of classmates who were routinely running into each other without knowing it, because...well....we've all changed a little over the years.

  • Click "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS (the person-like icon on the top right of the screen banner).
  • Find the camera silhouette to the right of your yearbook photo and click to add a photo.  A popup box will appear.   Click the "Upload a New Photo" button and follow the prompts. 
  • Select the desired photo from your hard drive. You will then be given an opportunity to crop or resize the photo.
  • You can repeat this process to add as many photos as you want.  All uploaded photos will appear with your profile when viewed by your classmates.  You can adjust the display order of your photos by simply dragging and dropping them into the positions of your choosing.
  • To add a caption under your images, roll over any image and select "Edit Details". Enter your caption and press save.

To move a copy of one of your uploaded photos to the 'Now" or "Master Photo" silhouette:

  • Click the "Now" or "Master Photo" tab in the upper right corner (pencil icon).
  • You will see a list of previously loaded images. Click the one you want and a copy of that photo will appear in the silhouette you selected.
  • You will be given an opportunity to resize or crop the selected photo so that it fits perfectly into the silhouette outline.  Make sure to click the save button after you make your changes.



All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) that you enter into this website is confidential. The host of this website, ClassCreator.com
understands the importance of your privacy. Your personal information will never be sold, shared, or distributed to other web sites.

Your contact information is private.  Any profile answers or photos you enter into your profile are visible to registered classmates; however, your contact information (street address, e-mail address, and phone number) cannot be seen by classmates or anyone browsing the website. However, this information could appear as part of a general search engine (commonly Google) result. To insure that doesn't happen, here’s what to do.  When you register, click on the Block Profile Visibility box in the Profile Visibility section during profile setup.. If you do not opt for privacy here your profile might appear in search engines.  If you would like to test this privacy feature, save your profile, log out of this website, do a Google search for yourself and see if your RHS website profile appears in the results. 

Information sharing 
Use the contact option at the top of each classmate's profile page to send an email. This way you will be able to contact classmates without sharing your private email address, unless you want to.

For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add noreply@classcreator.net to your email account as a safe sender in order to ensure you receive email communications.

Please note that if you do not want your name and picture on this site it may be removed by contacting Alan Pasnik (apasnik49@gmail.com). This will end all communications to you from the Roslyn High School Class of 1967, unless you ask for special arrangements.

Also note that if you change your email address, snail mail address, or phone number, please update your Contact Info by clicking the "Edit Contact Info" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.