10 reasons why

10 reasons why people don't attend a 20 year reunion.  In David Letterman fashion we will count down from 10! 


10.  It's too far. (I get this.....only if you live in Russia!)

9. It costs too much. (I get this as well.......kids are expensive!)

8. I'm not sure my school schedule/ commitments/ job/ family/ (you name it) will allow me to come. (excuses, excuses!)

7. I can't be there for the whole thing. (We only planned two events so it shouldn't be too hard.)

6. There's nothing to see or do in that city.  (This one is hilarious considering we grew up in Utah!!)

5. I don't want to come w/out my significant other and I don't think they will have fun. (So either ditch 'em.....or bring them. We will try our best to include them!  I went to my husband's 20 year reunion and I only knew 2 people there. So I made the best of it.......fake smiled, pretended a few times that I actually went to school with the person I was talking to, and ate yummy desserts. The highlight was when one woman thought she recognized me from prison!!  I have had worse nights!)

4. I know what high school reunions are like- it's just a bunch of boring people standing around bragging about their jobs, their marriages, their kids, etc. etc. ( do I really have to make a speech about attitude here?  But, it is really about that.  If you are really interested in reuniting with someone than all the catching up will seem like just that, catching up.....not 'bragging'!)

3. I won't know anyone there. Or they won't remember me. Or they will remember me for the wrong reasons.  (I know we are all older but we are not chasing alzheimers yet........with a little coaxing we will remember!  As for 'wrong reasons'.  I think most people will remember an overall impression of you, not that you tripped down the stairs in that one assembly.  And if you think your overall impression was bad.....come and change it!)

2. The people I know won't attend.  (Get them to come!  And if they won't, don't let that stop you.)


1. I've gained weight, I'm not successful enough, I've been divorced, etc., etc. and I'm concerned about what people will think of me.  (It is true that thinking about high school reunions kindof brings up old insecurities.  My only advise.........Go with a sense of humor about yourself and everyone else. Everyone is fatter, or balder or poorer.  If everyone is thinking about what the other person thinks of them we are only really thinking of ourselves! So, basically, stop thinking about yourself and you will probably have a good time!)
