Ruth "Ann" Young Beede

Profile Updated: March 27, 2018
Residing In: Lincoln, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Steve
Occupation: Retire realestate broker and university administrator
Children: Christina, born 1981, graduated from Bella Vista in 2000, graduated from UCLA. Graduated from University More…of Minnesota Law School. Currently an attorney in L.A. She is married with three children. Alex, born 1984, graduated from Bella Vista and graduated from UTI in Phoenix. He currently is a service manager in Roseville
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2nd Occupation?

Retired from real estate brokerage and university administration.

Scuba Diving


Once I got to college, I didn't want to leave. As you can tell. I also switched to using my middle name "Ann" which I have continued to use since. I graduated from University of Oregon with a BA in psychology, BA in sociology, MA in juvenile corrections. Moved to Boston and received a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Higher Education Adminstration and entered the doctoral program. To finance all this I worked as a Foreign Student Advisor at Northeastern University, then as Director of Foreign Student Affairs, Career Planning and Placement, and Cooperative Education at Graham Jr. College. Switched to Boston College as an Advisor in Career Planning and Placement again. I had a marvelous time with the students and working on campus.

Met my husband, Steve, while sailing in Boston Harbor. We began investing in Boston real estate purchasing 100-200 year old properties and fixing them.
Our daughter Christina was born in Salem, MA.
After a horrific snow and ice storm we decided to head to warmer real estate and moved to Sacramento in 1983.
Our son, Alex was born in 1984.

Since then we have been purchasing and selling real estate, weathering through its ups and downs.

I have held several positions in the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce and on the Board of Director for the Girls Scouts.

My husband, Steve, sold his law firm and is an attorney consultant.

We have been very fortunate to be able to travel with our family to Europe, Scandinavia, Egypt, and Kenya with numerous trips to lovely Hawaii and Mexico.

We are very active in our church, enjoy a variety of sports and are busy learning golf.

We are enjoying life and looking forward to many more years as our family and friends.

School Story:

I moved from the Bay Area, Frement, to Sacramento at the beginning of my sophomore year. So I had only three years to develop some wonderful friendships and to participate in the clubs and activities.

A funny thing did happen. A couple years ago, while playing tennis at our club in Fair Oaks, I thought I recognized a woman. We immediately remembered that we had traveled together in a school sponsored trip to Europe. We had such a fun time during the trip exploring all the traditional tourist sites and then all the late night sites. The rest will be up to your imagination. We survived and lived to tell.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:35 AM
Steve and I had a beautiful day for biking around the Island of Aero in Denmark.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:35 AM
My daughter, Christina, and I challenge each other to a game of golf.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:35 AM
Alex, my son, and I are spending a day together.