In Memory


Ronald Perry


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06/02/10 07:24 PM #1    

Robert Ferrel

 Ron, you used to share your soda with me at lunch in jr. high. Thanks, you were always fun to mess around with in class.


06/11/10 04:48 PM #2    

Rudy Dressendorfer

Ron, you took the time to teach me a lot about car mechanics. You said, "Rudy, you got to get greasy to learn." And you were right. I think about you every time I see Grease! -Rudy

07/07/10 06:42 PM #3    

Marjorie Reese (Anderson)

The days of fun at school are gone, our lives forever changed.  But memories of those days gone by are still within this old minds's range.  May you rest in peace.

Always,  Marge Reese Anderson

08/05/10 03:54 PM #4    

Linda Wagner (Olsen)

Ron, Junior high was so much fun with you and Andre.  You had the most wonderful smile everytime I saw you.  Through the years I would see you downtown as I believe you worked for the city or county.  You will sadly be missed at our 50th reunion.





08/12/10 02:48 PM #5    

Elizabeth Neelen (Korhonen)

Ron passed away December 5, 2007. My husband worked with him At The City of Elk Grove and attended his Mass at St. Marys Catholic Church, December 11,2007. He had complications from diabetes when he passed. I "Marched" with him on graduation along with Gary Alvernaz,and Erma Dahl. He was full of energy and had an infectious smile. Rest in peace, Ron. Liz Neelen-Korhonen

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