In Memory

Randy Kishpaugh

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06/11/09 10:35 PM #1    

Jody Miller (Kishpaugh)

A great smile, a sweet heart and wisdom beyond your age - you are never, ever forgotten...but forever remembered and loved....

06/29/09 03:10 PM #2    

Pam Cooley (Newberry)

You're right Jody, Randy had a GREAT smile...
He used to tease me...we weren't ever actually friends...but I liked him anyway...

08/08/09 12:09 AM #3    

Jan Horning

One of the things I remember about Randy is how confident he always seemed. I didn't know him well, always wished I did. He just seemed like someone you could trust with your life.

08/21/09 04:42 PM #4    

Peter Geiser

Jeez Robbie, how do you remember all this detail? Are you sure you weren't the one who "chewed" too many morning-glory seeds that night at the Armory? And let me get this straight ... I did pay Randy for the the '53 Chev Sedan Delivery panel truck ... $200 from what I recall. And I was the one who paid for the black primer paint that we spent all day one Saturday applying to upgrade its appearance, and the stick-on day-glo flowers we pasted all over it. The primer color was carefully chosen to match the smoke that bellowed out the back ... my god it was an embarrassing car to drive around. I'm sure Randy was glad to pass it on to me.
During high school days Randy and I were the best of friends. He was a little older than me and took me under his wing. He helped me get a part time job at the service station where he was working (ie. the source of the $200 I would later pay him!). He was also the initiator of many adventures we shared. Early on he had a little Honda 90 motorcycle. He would come by frequently and pick me up. We spent alot of time riding around town on that little thing before the '53 Chev came into the picture. The Chev became the source of many more adventures. It also became a transport vehicle to concerts for Little John and the Merrymen. Some of my favorite Randy memories though involved trips we would take together to the beach and other places in a little red MG convertible sports car that he would borrow from a friend. Once I had my driver's license he'd let me drive it too. What a peak experience at the time! The only "negative" Randy memory I have relates to Jody Miller. My memory at the time was that she was my girl friend, and that Randy came along and she became his girlfriend. What was that all about? I guess with a good friend you're willing to put up with that kind of thing. I have much appreciation for Randy's influence in my life and the fun we shared. As with most Salem classmates I lost contact with Randy in the ensuing years. I was very sad to hear about his passing, especially for Jody and Miles.

08/23/09 11:37 AM #5    

Robert Curtis

One thing's for sure guys knew how to pick a "winner" for a girlfriend!

08/26/09 03:59 PM #6    

Robert Curtis

I hung around with Pete a lot our senior year, and although Pete and Randy were very close friends - Randy did not party as much as we did = he was a bit more "mature" than the rest of us in that group! Randy decided to go into the military after High school and fly helicopters - this got my attention as it was something I always wanted to do. I was definately envious. I tried to sell this idea to my parents - without any success. Randy had already figured it out.....I'll do something that I really want to do and have the "government" pay for my college! Smart. The only drawback = about 99% of the helicopter pilots back then went to VIETNAM after training. One of Randy's classmates had been assigned Korea - but WANTED to go to Vietnam (more pay) so he traded with him and Randy went to KOREA instead of Vietnam. I talked to him several times when he was home on leave - one time at a party, at Jody's house. I was in awe - and was hungry for anything he had to say regarding flying. He loved to talk about it and was EXTREMELY knowledgable - as he was an instructor. Randy and Jody got married while he was in the military. He completed his military obligation and they returned home. He was killed in a helicopter accident while working for the Forest service - just prior to him starting college. The whole scenario was beyond tradgedy - with Jody expecting and all. Randy died doing something that he truly loved - believe me - he did. That's got to be worth something. I thought of his passing.....similar to JFK's = it happened when we / they were young - people in their prime with "lots of promise". Those are the toughest losses to take. Between 1987 -1989 I worked for Hillsboro helicopters (Portland). I told this story many times to the "boys" (hangar stories), the reply = "that's crazy". Helicopter flying is a VERY DANGEROUS endeaver. What happened to Randy can happen to ANYONE, at anytime, who flys them - including the "ace of the base" i.e. the best.

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