In Memory

Don McPherson

From classmate Eric Olsen:

Deceased Classmate: Don McPherson
Date Of Birth: 
Date Deceased: 01-11-2012
Age at Death: 61
Cause of Death: Melanoma
Classmate City: Portland
Classmate State: OR
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: his children, Jared, Mandy, Rochelle, Jennie and Don

When Don, Mike Tarnasky and I went to BYU in the fall of 69, we bolted a 50 gallon tank over the top of his engine in his old vw bus.(it was in the back, remember) We filled up on 12th street at around 25 cents per gallon. Around Bend we discovered that the tank had a leak, drip, drip, drip. We took Don's clothes from his suit case to soak up the gas so it wouldn't get down to engine and we laughed the entire way. Don was always happy and ready with a laugh- his whole life right up to the end. His son Don wrote me about his Dad, "My Father was my best friend, my confidant, mentor, spiritual adviser, counselor, consultant, and role model. I Love and miss him with every fiber of my being daily, but know that he gave me as much as he could to prepare me for him to not be here on earth."