Classmate's Uploaded Pics

Classmates can add their own personal pictures to the 51st Reunion Photo Gallery. Take pictures at the reunion and then upload them. Please no videos, they will not upload.

To view the pictures on the Main Gallery page, click on an image below and browse through the pictures. You will see the classmate gallery. Hover over picture and the caption will appear. Double click the picture and a larger picture will appear. You can use the drop-down box at the top to select a gallery.

To add your picture gallery, click the "Add/Edit Photo" button at the bottom of the Main Gallery page and confirm by clicking the "OK" button to enter the page to upload your pictures.

  1. Click the "Add Photo" blue button.
  2. Find and choose your pictures from your picture library (please limit to 5 pics to upload and no videos), when selected, click the Open button. Your selected pictures will upload - wait for this to process. Your pictures will be listed on the Edit Photos page and you can add captions. You can add more pictures if you desire by repeating steps 1 and 2. You can return to the "Add/Edit Photo" button to add more pictures (please limit to 6 total pictures)  or edit your captions. 
  3. There is no save button - once uploaded your pictures are in your gallery.
  4. To finish, just click on the 51st Reunion Photo Gallery navigation link on the far-left side of the web page. This will take you back to the Main Gallery page.

Follow the directions on screen to create your gallery. Only you can add photos to galleries you have created, and all photos you add will be credited to you inside your gallery.

Marilyn Bailey Hausknecht
2 Photos  8/14/21
Paul Beck
5 Photos  8/15/21
Lisa Burnett
2 Photos  5/26/22
Cid Collins Walker
6 Photos  8/21/21
Becky Cutler Gunn
6 Photos  8/20/21
Randy Eagar
2 Photos  7/22/21
Lars Erickson
3 Photos  7/23/21
Anne Hall Clegg
6 Photos  8/14/21
Reed Hurst
2 Photos  8/21/21
JoLynn Livingston Johnson
15 Photos  8/21/21
Faye Richardson
1 Photo  8/13/21
Sue Robison Buecher
5 Photos  8/16/21
Frank Schmuck
1 Photo  8/16/21
Andrew Smith
2 Photos  7/21/21
Dana Walton
4 Photos  8/31/21
Jeannette White Dugal
1 Photo  8/22/21