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Lawrence Chin

Lawrence Chin

June 16, 1950 - August 10, 2004



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08/24/18 07:28 PM #1    

Michael Burn

Few better. So, the Cafeteria "trouble-makers" are doing their "thang" (seeing who could get tomatoes to stick on theceiling, etc; Lawrence among us). Lawrence says: Geeezzz, this isnt like the "f "L" i e d" rice we have at home at home...
        ---BROKE THE WHOLE PLACE UP---  ;-D  *** will always cherish your Memory, my Friend.

08/24/18 09:00 PM #2    

Sue Draney (Baker)

We sat next to each other in Physics class on the front row and he was always making me laugh! Always sat alphabetical.. Chin then Draney.  He was so much fun!

08/31/18 09:52 PM #3    

Layne Bennion

After lunch, Larry and I would go sit in front of English and cram for our weekly spelling test. We would also go down to my uncle's glass shop  to use some high tech machine to do our acct/ booking homework for Mr. Anderson's class. My grankids don't even know what 10 key adding machine is. Last time I saw Larry was in the admission office at the U of U Hospital when I was checking Becky in for one of her little procedures. See you Larry on the flipside.

07/17/19 11:30 AM #4    

James Peters

I remember Larry as being an all-around genuinely nice person!  My circle of friends was relatively small at Highland, but I remember him as someone who was friendly to everyone.  He always had a smile or a grin to offer.

07/18/19 10:56 AM #5    

Philip Gibson

For a while we lived on the same street.  Yes he was quiet but very smart at the sametime.  I found him to be very unassuming and easy to be around.  

07/19/19 09:11 AM #6    

Jennifer Price (Peck)

Lawrence dissected my frog in Biology for me. I never had to touch the slimy thing! I will forever be grateful to him for his kindness.

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