In Memory

Kendall Monson

Cannot find obituary.  Birth date shown at lines up with Class of 1974, and death date 5/22/1985 lines up - as Kendall Monson was listed as decesased at the 20 year reunion in 1994.

Further, there is an obituary of a 1996 death date for Daniel Monson, born in 1958.  Kendall was born in 1956 and shown as a senior in the TI phone book, and Dan as a sophomore the same 1973/1974 TI phone book, both at the same address.  Further, both Kendall and Daniel are listed in the same Arthur Monson's obiturary (died 5/17/1993) as sons, with Kendall preceeding his father's death having passed away (May 22, 1985) and Daniel surving their father.

Best info at this time.