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July 2014 gatherings

Ann Martin Crowley was in town visiting for the week and invited everyone on Facebook HHS67 to join her at Don Pedro's (SW MIlitary Dr) on 7-21-14. Joining her for lunch were Susan Torchia, Larry Luckett. Jimmy DeFrain, Angie Robles Zuniga and husband Joe Zuniga, Ikey Reno, and Paula Breed Reno. Laughter and fun times shared!

On 7-30-14, Julian Cavazos and Judi Faulkner Dye announced another informal gathering at the Longhorn Cafe on Rittiman Road. Joining them were Bill Tuch, Jimmy/Terry DeFrain, Debra Son Kimbell and husband Keith, Cathy Lothringer Spear and Shelton Spears, and Paula Breed Reno. Another fun gathering!

Join our Highlands Class of 1967 Facebook page and watch the event calendar to see when our next gathering will be. Everyone is invited and we would love to see some new faces at these events.
