Missing Classmates

Missing Classmates definition is no email address or street address entered in the system.

Do you know where these Classmates are? Please share our web address with them:

If you know the email address for any Classmates listed below, you can select the Classmates name and quickly send an email invitation for them to join our website.

If you have other contact information (address, phone number...) that you want to forward, please send it to Jana Glasgow-Ditmars at crawford81reunion@yahoo.com.  Thank you!


Jason Anderson
Kamran Biazar
Michael D Bone
Frank Castro Carrera
John Causarano
Steve Christiansen
Thomas Collins
Larry Cooper
Samuel Davidson
Amy Drury
Jennifer Flenoid
Virginia Francis
Barry Gardenhire
Dedre Harris
Carol Jean Hudson (Ryan)
Krista Hughes
Robby Hunter
Linda Jackson
Dawn Johnson
Debra Johnson
La Vern Jones
Jacqueline Lawrence
Dung Le
Becky Lee
Debbie Leonard
Debbie Lopez
Don Malone
Keith Mason
Michael McGill
John McIntyre
Elizabeth Medina (Sanchez)
Jaime Medina
Gerard Meza
Steve Middaugh
Jessie Morgan
Ronald Morris
Michael Moss
Geneva Myles
Rosaria Pecoraro
Belinda Perez
Mauricio Pimentel
Colleen Puckett
Susan Pugh
Jimmy Rich
Vernell Robinson
Maria Romito
Daniel Roth
Pat Rousseau
William Ryan
Mattie Sadler
Laura Saraniti
Nariman Sepehri
Debra Siltala
Dorinda Smith
Susan Sulzbach
Calvin Curtis Thomas
Monroe Thomas
David Thorne
James Thornton
Sheri Dee Tillitt
Leslie R Timmons
Michael T Timmons
Sherri Tischbierek
My Lan To
Katherine Trolinger
Mark Turner
Alicia Uribe
Francine View
Michael Watkins
Kerry L. Wheeler
Sherri Wheeler
Kammy K Williams
Kerry D Williams
Robert E Wilson

Guest Members

Richard Draz (Swimming/Water Polo C…
Marshall Malcolm (Coach)