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We gather here, a class once more
To reminiscence, like years before
Upon the days and joys we knew
Before our school-aged time was through
Yet, as we meet, with memories near
We think of those, always held dear -
Our friends and classmates, passed away
To be in Heaven's class, every day.

They sit at desks, resting on clouds
Surrounded by angelic crowds
Where they shall be forevermore
The friends and schoolmates we adore
They’ll be with us in every prayer
Until the day, we join them there
Within the walls of Heaven’s class
Where friendships formed shall always last.

Until that hour, we join again
An empty chair, we will maintain
In honor of the life-long bond
We forged with those, now passed beyond
The friends with whom we learned life’s truth
Whose bonds lasted far from our youth
And shall remain forever near
When we gather, year after year.

-The Class of 1983

© 2006 – Jill Eisnaugle’s Poetry Collection

By Year Deceased Alphabetically

Julia Anderson (Deceased Year Unknown)
Elizabeth Bueno (Stonecypher) (Deceased 2023)
Gino Ciccotti (Deceased 2007)
Brian Hathaway (Deceased 1991)  
Craig Ishihama (Deceased 2017)
Garret Kreditor (Deceased 2007)  
James McAllister (McAllister) (Deceased 2013)  
Louis Nyiri (Deceased 2005)
Susan Redford (Deceased 1984)

If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know.
