MOST LIKELY TO GET MARRIED: Roger Jones and Nancy Dimitratos
Still married 30 years later!


FRIENDLIEST: Carolyn McCarthy and Steve Mullin
Still Friendly!


CLASS CLOWNS: Lisa Amon and Mike Stallone (no photo in the Voice)
Mike couldn't make it, so Lisa held a spot for him...still clowing around.


BIGGEST FLIRTS: Dean Guadagni and Aileen Callagy
Still Flirting!


MOST TALENTED: Carolyn McCarthy and Bill Strauss
I guess they're still talented?  Maybe we should have made them do handstands or something~


WITTIEST: Sheila Whitney and Dale Tate

Overheard at Dinner Matt Randall to Sheila "Well don't you look Fabulous!" 
Shiela's response "If I didn't, I wouldnt' be here!"

Definitely Still Witty!




 MOST ATHLETIC: Beth Silva and Stacey Bailey
Super Fit and Still Athletic!


CUTEST COUPLE: Steve Painter and Patty Page (not pictured in Voice)
Still Cute, just not a couple.



MOST SPIRITED:  Patty Green and Lee Duran
Well it was a good run, but we definitely got this one WRONG! Neither one of them has ever come to a reunion.


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