In Memory

Pam Kerby

Pam Kerby

Please share your memories of Pam.

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05/22/08 02:26 PM #1    

Cindy Johnson (Biesanz)

I was friends with Pam in Grammar school! Mary Beth Bogan and I used to hang out at her house and make up dance routines, to great songs like "Ain't it foggy outside, all the planes have been grounded"

I'm so sorry to hear this news, all my best to her family, take care, Cindy Johnson

06/27/08 12:13 PM #2    

Robin Anawalt (Grahl)

I remember Pam in Ms. Carters English class. We all had to recite lines from that play Caesars. Pam had some actress in her, she flowed through her lines.

My brother Greg and her brother Ken were best of friends. We would all 'hang out' at parties. I always liked her and was saddend when Ken updated me on the advance of her illness back in 2000.

My best wishes are extended to the Kirby family. I will miss her at the Reunion.


08/20/08 03:33 PM #3    

Tracy Newman

Hey Pam, I will always remember that you had this silly lisp and the way you always kinda laughed and tryed to get your way but really did'nt want to upset anybody because you were such a sweet and kind person. You remember CJ, Bubbles, Adi, Becky, Mary Beth and me and all the trouble we use to cause. Pam thanks for being part of our lives. Peace to you and your family, Tracy and Becky Newman.

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