In Memory

William Young VIEW PROFILE

William "Bill" Wayne Young a member of the class of 1978 at Terra Linda High School passed away unexpectedly at the age of 39. Bill served in the military (army) and was stationed in Germany. He loved to play sports, baseball was his favorite. He always talked about many of his friends from TLHS. His best friend was Dave Savoy, but there were many more. Bill really enjoyed riding Mortocyles. Bill and I were childhood sweethearts and in 1989 we were Married in Novato, California. In 1995 our only child was born, a son named Mack William Young. He is the twin of his father. Shortly after Mack's birth we moved to North Carolina. Bill was truly a inspiration to everyone he met. He always wanted to make people smile. We miss him a lot, and never realized how much of a wonderful person he was till he was gone. Bill's wishes were to have his ashes scattered under the Golden Gate Bridge and we returned to the Bay Area and carried out his wishes. He is Survived by his wife; Donna Young-Pettus,(Colbert, class of 1979) and son, Mack Young-Pettus, sister; Diana Young Schmitz, Brother in law, Jack; nephew and niece; Max and Emma Schmitz, brother; Everette Young and nephew Ryan Young. Thank you all for giving him so many great memories and cherished friendships. Bill's family, Donna and Mack Young-Pettus

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04/24/08 07:05 AM #1    

Joe Hersko

I remember Bill from well before our days at Terra Linda High School. Bill and I grew up in the same neighborhood and I will always remember the football games we used to play at Santa Margarita Elementary School.

We used to play games of 2 vs. 2 and sometimes 3 vs. 3 and I always remember Bill being the strongest, most determined player on the field. Every time the ball was kicked off to Bill, he would get up such a "head of steam", that it was only by minor miracle that you could actually tackle him before he ran all the way across the field to score a touchdown.

I think that is what I will remember about him most - his ferocious dedication towards achieving his goal.

Joe Hersko

05/22/08 02:16 PM #2    

Cindy Johnson (Biesanz)

Cindy Johnson

Bill and I were best phone friends. We would talk every night for hours...... about what I'm not sure but we were good friends so I'm sure he talked about girls and I talked about boys.

I have a great picture of us at a party after Bill came home from boot camp with a tatoo no less! I will try to find someone to put it on the computer for me.

I wish his family all the best and am very sorry for your loss. Please take care.

08/27/08 10:06 AM #3    

Robin Anawalt (Grahl)

How could I forget Bill Young? He had a "crush" on me in High School. He used to send me letters from when he joined the army and how he survived going through the mock "gas chamber". I was not familiar with such a way to train in the military and I remember thinking that it sounded more like torture than boot camp.

Bill was best friends with Dave Savoy. They would always tease me as boys do. Their kinship reflected a dedication that impressed upon me of how true friends should be. One of those good memories.

Yes, I am shocked and saddened of Bill's passing. I hadn't realized its been almost 30 years since seeing him. Reading about his passing short cuts back to that time without the 30 years inbetween. What a different place we were all in!

My best to Bill's family and his little brother, Everett, who used to hang out at our house and was part of the Anawalt clan one summer so long ago.

03/01/09 01:07 PM #4    

Mike Caldwell

Billy young was one of my best friends at Santa Margarita. We were on the same basketball and baseball teams together. He was a tough kid with a huge heart. As teenagers we drifted apart, but spent some touching moments in our early twenties where I gave him a copy of the photo print out we all received from Mr. Ross after our third basketball season together under Darrell Davis.

I loved Billy as kids love each other and will allways remeber the times we had....Blessings to all that call him a freind or family.

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