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Please consider donating to keep our Class of 1991 site up and running.

Even the smallest amount will help to keep the site alive and will make organizing our next get together much easier.

Thank you!


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Dear Alta Hawks Class of 1991 Alumni,

It’s been over 20 years!!  Indeed, time flies.  Hopefully life has been taking good care of you since walking the beloved halls of Alta High School.  Seems like just yesterday we were all wondering if we should go to the dance, who we should take, how we should ask them, and if they would say yes.  Now we’re all a “little” older and some of us even have a few grey hairs.  None of this changes the fact that we were all once bound by a common goal of SURVIVING HIGH SCHOOL!!  Well, we’ve been there done that and now “most” of us have moved on to bigger and better things.  We’ve hit the 20 year mark but the 30 and 40 will be here before we can shout “Go Hawks!”. 

We had an excellent turnout for the 20 year reunion.  I think it’s safe to say that a good time was had for all in attendance (rumor has it that some even had an exceptionally good time).  We sincerely missed all of you who weren’t able to make it this time around.  This doesn’t mean that there won’t be another opportunity quickly approaching.  We are looking at doing another reunion in 10 years!  As many of you can imagine, reunions aren’t cheap.  Keeping and managing this website isn’t cheap.  I really hope that we will all strive to keep this ball rolling as long as possible.  THANK YOU to all of the many people who helped with the reunion and setting up this class webpage!!  In order to maintain things, we are accepting donations in order to make sure that none of this goes away.  You all know that keeping in touch is absolutely priceless.  I promise that 100% of your donation will go toward keeping the website and making sure that our future reunions aren’t lame. 

We’ve made it very simple to donate right from this site!  It only takes a minute.  A great deal of work has been done to find everyone and have them registered on this domain.  Your generous donation will ensure that none of this work goes to waste.  Many have already donated a lot of time and $$ to get everything to this point.  Sure, we know that there are other alumni and reunion sites.  However, this one is completely designated to the best class that ever hit Alta;  The Class of 1991 (the one that donated stadium lights!!!)        

Thanks for visiting the website dedicated to keeping you in touch with so many good friends from the past and helping keep those wonderful high school memories a reality. 

I appreciate your consideration and I wish you all the very best!

Much Love,

Greg Hunt

Senior Class Officer

PS.  My wife Heather, Alta Class of 92’, just said, “Good luck getting any $$.”  I told her that our class isn’t like the class of 92’.  After all, they donated a cheesy rug or statue…. Not stadium lights.