Dana Case

Profile Updated: June 22, 2009
Residing In: Saskatoon, SK Canada
Spouse/Partner: Reg Nett the nicest man I have ever met! We married June 09, 2001. We met at a Birthday Party and 6 weeks later we were engaged!
Occupation: Mental Health Therapist
Children: Twins Tyse and Amayah 7 years old. We adopted them almost 3 years ago from and orphanage in Vladivostok More…Russia. Being their Mom has made my life so much better. I cannot imagine what our lives would be like without them. It is a total miracle. They have come a long way in their short little lives. When we adopted them they spoke Russian... then learned English and now they are in French Immersion. "The Party Never Ends" in our house!

It is hard to believe that we are getting old enough to celebrate a 20 years reunion. I'm soooo excited to see everyone again. It has been way to long and I think about so many people so often. What a celebration it'll be!

School Story:

Some of the best stories I can think of were the Pep Rally Jeff Kostiuk and I planned for the beginning of the year and we had Miss. Clavelle dressed as a judge walking across the gym to the Elvis theme song. I can't remember why she was dressed that way... just that she did such a great job. I remember Nancy Fragatta shaving all her hair off! Nancy is such a great person. I always Love to hear her laugh! The musicals, dances, and the weekend get togethers were always fun too! Eating fries and gravy in the Cafeteria at lunch, Expo 86 in Vancouver... by train... going w/ the Band Group, Candy Stripping at St. Paul's Hospital, the awesome Ball/Ringette Teams we played on .... Cruising 8th street w/ Sheila ZWACK, Paz Gonzalez, Maria Matus ( Maria was alway such a great friend - she always motivated me to be a better person... I often called her my "VOICE OF REASON!")... and whoever wanted to join us... listening to 'YOU SHOOK ME ALL NIGHT LONG!' ACDC - blarring in the cassette tape deck stereo! Hit rewind...stop.. not a little bit further... oh to far... yep right there... I can hear the guitars a blarring! SING IT BOYS! It was alway handy when Sheila was able to sweet talk her way to getting us a car... and we'd drive to 7-11 for a Slurpee and then we'd just cruise from Feehan to Royal to Bedford! We thought we had died and gone to heaven.

Sheila Zwack is still a Kindred Spirit! She was my Maid of Honor at my wedding... Everyone needs a friend like Sheila! I remember always trying to convince Paz's Mom to let her come out.... I remember hanging out in the girls bathroom over the lunch hour waiting for Paz and Sheila to re-apply their make-up.... of course after we ate the famous Fries and Gravy in the cafeteria!

I remember Luke Lieffers taking me on a joy ride... I thought I was going to die! I still can't believe that we made it home alive and that I was stupid enough to get in the car w/ him! .... I think Greg Hoiness was with us! No... we were racing against Greg ... I hope my kids NEVER drive as wild as Luke did!

I also remember how much I looked up to Tracy Ferley and Greg Duerr. They worked so hard in school! I hope that my children have their determination! Whatever GREAt things happen in your lives.... you earned every bit it! Tracy I loved it when you would play the piano & I would sing... Remember all the Masses we did throughout the years! It would be so much fun to do that again sometime... but you are in Calgary... & I am in Saskatoon.... just putting it out there... maybe some day!

I also think it is really cool that Monica Moore and Pierre Blais got married... Jason Sirman and Marla Usalman did too! They were all... such super nice people... and keep the "Young Love/ High School Sweet Heart" Tradition alive and strong!

And who could forget typing out our papers on a Type writer.... and the smell of liquid paper... so we didn't have to type that page all over again! Those were the days!

I think that my favorite teacher was Mr. Hurley! I LOVE that man. He would always call me "Donna" - which he said in Ireland meant girl w/ a stubborn attitude! He always has a "Corney" joke to tell. I'll never forget Mr (Little) Anton failing me in Geo Trig w/ a 49% - Can you believe it! I begged him to pass me... I'm still ready to take him on! They say that he curls... "Well Big Guy" we'll see who can "clean the house" Oh you can run... but you can't hide.... if you know what I mean!
I think that there really was not one teacher that I didn't like. I hated algebra so I convinced myself that none of the Algebra teachers new how to teach... Mr. Evean was such an awesome teacher. I still think that he smoked in his office outside the band room.

Over the past 20 years.... man does that sound like a long time.... I went on Rotary Exchange and lived in the Philippines for a year right out of high school. What an awesome year that was... I studies medicine while I was there... After that amazing year.. I came back to Saskatoon and went to University...I funded University expenses by doing Motivational Speaking throughout Canada and the US. During this time I spoke to almost 300,000 students. My presentations were based on Drug Prevention and being a positive role model. After I received my Social Work Degree and went to work in Northern Saskatchewan. I decided to return to University and got my Masters Degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Upon completion of my Masters Degree my Mom and I travelled together back West in my convertible.... making lots of stops in each province along the way! That was a once in a life time trip!

I opened up a Private Practice specializing in Mental Health Therapy out of St. Paul's Hospital and now I work with a group of Therapists - Prairie Therapists & Trainers.
I had the opportunity to travel to many places... Ireland w/ my Kindred Sheila Zwack - the trip of a lifetime!... Africa (doing volunteering work for the Peace Corp.), Germany, Austria, Prauge, France, Hungary, Russia, Korea, Croatia, Bosnia, Hong Kong.... and for my 40th Birthday... Reg is taking me to Thailand.

I remember a few years ago I went w/ Nancy Fragatta to a musical at Feehan. We were standing out in the hallway out side the theatre looking back at out high school pictures and everyone that we graduated w/. Well this group of young guys came up to our class frame and pointed directly to my picture and said "Oh Man look at that CHICK...Her hair .... you don't need a helmet w/ her hair!" I looked to see who they were talking a/b and he was pointing to ME! I said to the kid..."Shut up! That is me! Just you wait... one day you'll have no hair... and you'll wish you had my back combed locks!" What I should have said to the little punk.... "Don't hate me because I am so beautiful!" It had been years since I was called a CHICK!

I am so excited to see everyone again. Recently I was at Feehan to watch my "little chickens" Irish Dance Recital... they danced on the same stage that I participated in musicals... Band Recitals... Air Band.... Grad Fashion shows.... Singing w/ the "group" for monthly Masses... Where I gave my "vote for me as Senior Pin" speech... The memories were right in front of me.... Feehan was an AWESOME High School! The best part of the 1989 Graduation class is that we continue to keep in touch! We may not get that time back... but it was so much fun while it lasted! Bruce Springsteen was right when he said " Glory Days... They'll Pass you by!" Glory Days they were!

May God Keep you all "Safe in His Pocket!" Cheers & Aufweidersehen (Until we meet again - off the "Sound of Music")

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Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Dana Case has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2015 at 4:34 AM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Here we are in Russia. This is a picture of us in the Orphanage that Tyse & Amayah lived before we adopted them. Don't you just love the Russian "Bobbles" on Amayah's head?
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Even though Amayah came all the way from Russia.... we kinda look alike don't you think?
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
We had to make 2 visits to Russia before we could bring Tyse and Amayah home. My Mom came w/ me o this trip.... the hardest thisg was saying good-bye.... Amayah says she thought I was NEVER coming back for her.... Reg and I were back to get our "percious cargo" in less than a month.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Saying my one and only goodbye to Tyse.... words cannot express how greatful I am to be their Mom forever.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Tyse & Amayah's 5th day in Canada... At this point they only spoke Russian....
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Here were are enjoying the view the night that we stayed at the Banff Springs Hotel.... a little bit of Heaven!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Ta Da! Here is the Nett-Case family... Yes everyone I married Reg Nett so that officially makes me a Nett-Case!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Reg & Tyse.... They kinda look like each other too!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Amayah our "Bathing Beauty" collecting some "SHE" Shells in the Ocean. (Oh how I wish I could sport a Bikini like that again.... Oh Those Were The Days My Friends!)
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM
Amayah says she is going to be a dentist and a Model when she grows up! In this picture...I think she has 50 hair clips in her hair!
