In Memory

Marion Cramer VIEW PROFILE

Marion Cramer

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08/26/11 05:37 AM #1    

Sandy Levine (Schwartz)

I met Marion when she came into my 5th grade class at Brandywine Ave. Elementary.  She had health issues and I was assigned to watch over her.  I have never forgotten her sweet personality.

Sandy Levine Schwartz

10/06/16 03:34 PM #2    

Jerry Pisano

Our thanks to Carol DaMassa Hammond for researching this missing obituary from 1988 to bring closure to Marion in our classmate website.


10/07/16 08:12 PM #3    

Michael Piccolo

I knew MarionCramer from Brandywine avenue school. She was a sweet girl and always had a smile on her face.  She was an Epileptic and often had seizers.  No one ever explained that to us.  So at times we did not know how to act around her.  They never seemed to slow her down.  She was a special friend and always loved my red hair.

Rest in Peace

Michael Piccolo


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