Dick Fetter
I was unable to attend our 50th reunion, because one of my sons was getting married that weekend. I plan to be at the 60th and have been in contact with Selma Cohen (Kunitz) about who is planning to attend. When I mentioned that several people I was hoping to see were not on the list of signups, she said "Who?" and I mentioned Frank Goldberger, Carl Heiner, Dick Lane, Paul Lawrence, Bob Whitaker, Nick Capra, Sue Silverman, Carol Nelson/Richards, Ellen Portnoy...one name was leading to another and Selma said, "Why don't you post a message saying so? So, since I usually listen to my elders (Selma by one day), here it is. I hope you and so many others will be there. I noticed with regret that some whom I had hoped to see, like Mike Piccolo, have passed on. Mike lived down the street from me and at our 40th reunion we recalled playing baseball together and how he was in the Life Magazine article about Schenectady winning the Little League World Series in 1954. The caption of the picture described his "sliding his 80 pounds into second base." I don't know about the rest of you, but this could very well be my last time in Schenectady. The last of my family is long since gone, so there is little to bring me back there on a regular basis anymore. I would look forward to seeing those of you I haven't seen in 20 years, if not 60.