Scranton Central High School
Class of 1965
Francis "Frank" Fanucci
Francis "Frank"'s Latest Interactions
Posted on: Jan 13, 2019 at 10:48 PM
Enlisted in USAF after high school served 24 years in the USAF. Two tours of duty in Vietnam before returning and earning BA in Management from Saint Leo College, Florida. Commissioned as 2nd Lt. in 1979, going on to attended flight training, Squadron Officer School and Air Command and Staff College. Went on to earned MS degree in Information System and Management from Central Michigan University with follow-on doctorial work in Information Management System. Lived in 17 different state and several foreign countries before retiring from the USAF in 1989. Went back to graduate school earning additional graduate degrees in Economics, Education and from Troy State University. Taught Computer Programming, Networking, and Economics at several colleges for 11 years after retiring from the Air Force. Spent 11 years teaching helicopter pilots combat tactics at Fort Rucker, Alabama before retiring 1st of January 2016. Now spend my days taking care of our small farm outside of Mobile, Alabama while doing ancestral research.