Pallium Trivia

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1)   What Senior was named the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow?

  Laura Chandler
  Gina Vangelos
  Kim Bendzak
  Deborah Bartos

Answers are in our Senior Pallium.
2)   Who played Fagin in Oliver! for our Senior Year Musical?

  Bill Ramsden
  Rick Verlinda
  Doug Hoisington
  Dick McDonald

Answers are in our Senior Pallium.
3)   Which of the following was NOT a National Merit Semi Finalist?

  Jim Bennett
  Nancy Wilson
  Steve Whitman
  Rod Harmon

Answers are in our Senior Pallium.
4)   What Senior is missing from the 1973 Varsity Basketball roster: Dave Johnson, John Hayes, Dave Kessler and Dave Robbins.

  Mark Fenn
  Doug Danner
  Charlie Hingston
  Tim Healy

Answers are in our Senior Pallium.
5)   Mrs. Downey's favorite menu item?

  French Fries

Answers are your personal preference.
6)   What Senior is missing from the Girls' Club officers? Laurie McGuire Cheryl Geese Gina Vangelos Anne Kunzl

  Linda Hyde
  Janet Williams
  Rose Dickson
  Patty Jordan

Answers are in our Senior Pallium.
7)   How much money was raised at the Carnival in December, 1972?


Answers are in our Senior Pallium.
8)   The answer to #7 in 1973 is equivalent in purchasing power to about how much today, in 2023?


Answer depends on whether or not you were paying attention in math class.
9)   Which Senior boy's hair got the most severe photo-chopped treatment?

  Dave Jagger
  Bill Anderson
  Tim Carrigan
  John Hayes

Answer is your opinion.
10)   Who was the Weekly Thing Athlete of the Year?

  Dave Kessler
  Scott Warmuth
  Chuck Gardner
  John Hayes

Answers are in the Senior Pallium.