In Memory

Dale Bernard Chapman

Deceased Classmate: Dale Bernard Chapman
Date Of Birth: 12-07-1938
Date Deceased: 12-30-2015
Age at Death: 78
Cause of Death:
Classmate City:
Classmate State: OH
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: Fred E Chapman (Brother) John P Chapman (Nephew)

Dale held an extreme intellect related to ASTRONOMY and History (Civil War and WWII). He collected telescopes and books. His father was a veteran of WWI (as a machine gunner in the Calvary) and his mother was a nurse both died in 1985. His sister Nancy passed in 1995. Dale had one other love, a classmate named Susan Beech Brannan. He never stopped carrying her in his heart.

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01/13/16 08:56 PM #1    

David J Cunningham

At the 50th reunion Dale brought me a picture of himself, me, my brother Don (class of 61), and my cousin Bob who attended Ludlow until he moved to Euclid Ohio.  I was in 3rd or 4th grade and we all ran around every day all summer long "with no supervision". That's what boys did in those days. I was touched that he kept the picture. 

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