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09/16/09 09:01 AM #1048    


Crystal Clark (Woods)

Okay, Jamie, NOW I really am crying! Very nice job!

09/16/09 09:14 AM #1049    

Audrea Wyatt (Toal)

WOW! What a weekend! Reunion Committee I'll repeat what everyone else has said, GREAT JOB! I came to Sheridan the start of 10th grade and every one of you has made me feel like I grew up with you all along. Thank you!! It was great seeing everyone! We don't need to wait another 20. I'm all in for 21!

09/16/09 10:32 AM #1050    


David Fort

There is something in the works. Keep an eye out for it. (No Mrs. Rainbolt jokes please.)

09/16/09 11:46 AM #1051    


Jamie Gartman

David, the 88s only had one reunion that I know of. That was just a playful dig at them for having theirs so late.

09/16/09 06:57 PM #1052    

Missy Ketchum (Warren)

Awww... I have tears in my eyes after reading all the posts. I do feel like you guys are family too! Yes, Yes, please lets all stay in touch! I was just looking at some of the pics and OMG in most of them I have such a "serious" face while I'm dancing, LOL! I take it very "seriously" I guess. MWAH to everyone in the class of 89! We are the BEST!!

09/16/09 09:20 PM #1053    

Courtney Robinson (Cisne)

Jamie - the slideshow in your profile was great! I also missed the Chris and Pam 'lift'! They looked kind of professional! Courtney

09/17/09 08:47 AM #1054    


David Fort

Sorry Jamie, missed the sarcasm on that as I told Reggie, it's sometimes hard to translate on here.

09/17/09 12:43 PM #1055    


David Fort

Is nobody posting reunion pics on here? Will I be forced to go to Facebook to see them? C'mon!

09/19/09 08:45 PM #1056    

Missy Ketchum (Warren)

Quit your "WHINING" and just "DO IT" go to Facebook already!! LOL! Just kidding, I am sure someone is working on getting some on here.

09/20/09 10:56 AM #1057    

Paul Allen

that was truly awesome..Thank you all. Love Y'all..we could always do ummm ya know new years and such type parties..who said we have to wait every 5-10 years to do a reunion. Just a thought

09/21/09 04:19 PM #1058    


David Fort

Man, it didn't take long for the forum to slow back down did it?

09/23/09 08:32 AM #1059    


David Fort

Is this thing broken?

09/23/09 04:11 PM #1060    

Trina Smurl (Williams)

I don't know if it's broken. Did you try shaking it? Sometimes that helps.

09/24/09 09:13 AM #1061    


David Fort

Hell, I kicked it and shook it too. Got nothing.

09/24/09 12:05 PM #1062    

Trina Smurl (Williams)

Hmmm well it must be broken then. How do we fix it??

09/24/09 02:16 PM #1063    


David Fort

I guess we will have to have another reunion.

09/24/09 02:20 PM #1064    


David Fort

Crystal Clark 9/26 bday
Roy Clark 9/26 bday

Hmmm? I didn't know you guys were twins.

09/24/09 09:48 PM #1065    

Missy Ketchum (Warren)

Sorry, I haven't been on for a few days. I have been REALLY tired lately. Thank goodness today is my Friday so after I get the kids up in the morning for school I will be heading back to bed for a few hours. Then, once I'm up, I will "jump" back on here!! LOL! Goodnight everyone! MWAH!!!!

09/25/09 08:05 AM #1066    


David Fort

Missy, have you still not recovered from the reunion? Man, you really must have partied hardy Marty!

09/25/09 05:02 PM #1067    

Missy Ketchum (Warren)

Yes I did!!! LOL!! Make no mistake about it though, I would be willing to some into town again in a few months to "Party Hard" again!!! I miss you guys already!!! LOL!

09/26/09 04:25 PM #1068    

Michael Woods

Rev Room 2nite everyone that can, come on!!!!!!

09/28/09 08:16 AM #1069    


David Fort

Sorry dude, I was in Tunica trying to lose some money. No luck though, they just kept giving me more. haha!

09/28/09 01:46 PM #1070    

Missy Ketchum (Warren)

Michael, how did it go the other night? Wish I could have been there!

09/29/09 08:12 AM #1071    


David Fort

Happy Birthday Shawn Rash!

Yeah Michael, how was it?

09/29/09 10:48 AM #1072    

Michael Woods

Happy Birthday Shawn!!!! Sat night was a blast!!!!! We went to sticky fingers and saw an all 80s band!!!!

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