In Memory

Scarlet Damron (Williams)

Scarlet Damron (Williams)


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09/19/08 07:19 PM #1    

Jamie Gartman

Scarlet passed in January 1993.

09/20/08 09:32 AM #2    

Lana Lisenbey (Erb)

She was so electric and one of my good friends. She was a warm and wonderful person and I hate that she's not a part of this anymore. I miss her a lot.

09/21/08 09:44 AM #3    

Crystal Clark (Woods)

Oh, gosh, where do you stop with the memories of Scarlet? She was definitely one-of-a-kind, and it's such a shame her life ended so suddenly. I remember when she first came to Sheridan from California and didn't know very many people. She was our first exposure to a real live "valley girl," and people were enthralled with her. I invited her to church, and I remember us sitting out on the ledge of the old First Baptist Church building on Wednesday nights, letting our legs swing in the air, talking about our "problems" that seemed so big at the time. She was such a treasure.

09/21/08 02:41 PM #4    

Jamie Gartman

What can't you say about Scarlet? She was one of a kind for sure. I hung out with Scarlet and Gwen a lot. Football games, fan buses(Scarlet would be pissed if she didn't get credit for being one of the 15 suspended for the Lakeside bus, so let it be known she was one of them), dances, the Levi's commercial at the junior plays. The one common denominator in all those experiences is laughter. If you were with Scarlet, you were laughing. She is one of my all time favorite people.

09/21/08 03:50 PM #5    

Melody Gartman (Lucas)

What a happy go lucky person! For her life to be taken at her own hand was a shock to me! We never know what people's personal battles are. I remember the fan bus well. I was the last person to be suspended. I remember Scarlet had to be carried off the bus that night. Let us not forget her car. She never knew where it would end up. That car was moved so many times! What a wonderful and bright spot in all the people she knew.She is missed deeply!

09/22/08 08:38 AM #6    

April Dorn (Thompson)

OMG!!! What can you NOT say about Scarlet....she was definitely electric............

09/26/08 06:59 PM #7    

Stacy Cunningham (Gilbert)

I think about Scarlet all of the time too. I remember laughing one time in class so hard that I was crying...I cannot remember the class, nor can I remember what it was about but I know it was something that Scarlet and Gwen were telling. I was fortunate to hear a lot of Scarlet and Gwen stories. Cunningham, Curtis and Damron, I got to sit by them in every class we ever had together! Some of my greatest memories are with them. The world is missing out by not having Scarlet in it.

09/26/08 08:54 PM #8    

Gwendolyn Curtis (Gaston)

I loved Scarlet so much! She was the coolest chic ever. We had so much fun together in choir; neither of us could carry a tune. I never met anyone from California before. I was drawn to her immediately. I wanted to be cool like her. Our poor teachers. She had the personality that people were drawn to. I have so many memories like football games, prom with her, Wade, and Jamie G. Cruising the Sonic, Midget Mart, the SLURPY BUSTERS, going to the state fair, and just being great friends. Scarlet always had a smile and the spirit that made us all a little better.

10/14/08 10:32 AM #9    

David Fort

Scarlet was awesome! She was always going 100 mph. Get her and Gwen together and humor ensued. I was shocked when I heard about her. It's hard to believe someone who is so happy externally can be fighting personal demons on the inside. The world surely would be a brighter place with her in it!

02/24/09 09:05 PM #10    

Jamie Gartman

Scarlet's sister, Rhonda sent me Scarlet's obit so I thought I'd post it on here for those who never saw it.

Scarlet Michelle Damron Williams of Grapevine, TX formerly of Sheridan Died Jan 17 at her home at the age of 21.
Born Feb. 4, 1971 at Okland, CA, she was a daughter of Rodney and Suesan Damron of Sheridan.
Mrs. Williams was a data base coordinator for Travel Resources Management Group at Grapevine and a member of Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Chruch and attended North Lake Junior College in Texas.
In addition to her parents, she is survived by her husband, Steven "Wade" Williams; three sisters, Rhonda Damron of Little Rock, Rozlyn Anderson of Prattsville, and Star Pearson of North Richmond Hills, Texas. and a brother, Rodney "Poncho" Damron of Dallas; maternal grandparents Wallace and Pat Weeks of Paradise, CA and paternal grandmother Welizabeth Hoefin of Twain, CA.

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