I love this web site! I think I know more about my former fellow classmates then I did when I went to Shorecrest. Thanks Cathi and whomever is assisting you in putting this web site together. Great job!!!
I really don't have much to tell on my ONE year at Shorecrest. I will say that I met some of the most wonderful and friendliest people people at Shorecrest. I came from from a very small school in Alabama in the Fall 1968. We probably had less than 40 in the senior class. Upon arriving in the BIG city of Seattle and starting school at such a BIG school, I remember feeling overwhelmed. I had up to that point been pretty much the loner.Well, not for long at Shorecrest was I a loner.. I soon had friends and actually starting dating for the FIRST time. It was a memorable year for me.
As much as I would like to attend the 40th reunion , I don't believe I will make it. I mean 40 years is such a milestone! Maybe next time....