45th Reunion Survey

Hello Friends!

This survey will help us in determining the type of event and location we will put together for our 45th Reunion. It will be a great time seeing our "old" friends again, reminiscing and catching up with each other.


You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Do you plan on attending, October 11-13 (Columbus Day Holiday)

2)   * Will you bring a guest?

3)   * Should we do just a one night event, two night, or a three day event?

  1 Night event, Dinner
  2 Night event, Mixer on Friday night, Dinner on Saturday Night
  3 Day, with a lunch event on Sunday
  I'm up for anything!
4)   * If we do a Sunday lunch, would you come if it was at a "Pickleball" venue/restaurant? (you can just watch and mingle too)

5)   Do you have any suggestions for the main "Event" location in the Phoenix area?

6)   * Should we invite Class of 78 & Class of 80?

This survey ended on 07/01/2024.