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•   Calvin Roberts  3/26
•   Jay McLaughlin  10/4
•   Jim Elliott  4/4
•   Michele Cornali (Jessen)  12/19
•   Patricia Gonzales (Ponce)  2/25
•   Adolpho Cotta  10/3
•   Linda Wille (DeBlois)  6/14
•   Joyce Jacobs (Moore)  6/13
•   Gary Moore  4/2
•   Fred Moore  3/26
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

13 live in Arizona
2 live in California
2 live in Colorado
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
59 live in New Mexico
1 lives in Oregon
5 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Brazil
131 location unknown


•   Gary Moore  9/24
•   Lelia Mrotzek  10/3
•   Gwenita (Gwen) Donohoe (Petty)  10/10


Know the email address of a missing SHS '67 Classmate? Click here to contact them!


I hope you are all well and being careful during this time of concern about the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic. It is concerning knowing that everyone in our class is in a High-Risk group. Never thought I'd ever be "elderly" - I will still fight that one tooth and nail!

While we are all practicing Social Distancing, I wanted to point out that there is Zero risk in sharing through email and announcements through this website. It is a great way for all of us to keep in touch. You can send email to any of the classmates who have joined the site by signing in and clicking on Message Center in the menu at the left. You can also post an announcement to all class members by clicking on Post Announcement in the same menu. If you have any problem with either, please contact me. My email is MOORE.GARYL@GMAIL,COM. 

I always enjoy seeing new email or announcements from this site. All of you are, without a doubt, the friends that I've known the longest. I treasure each of you and appreciate hearing from you. I think we all share this - so please take a minute to let us hear from you!

While you're here, please check out the Missing Classmates link on the black bar at the top. If you're in contact with anyone you see in this list, please invite them to join the class. They can do this by going to the site at HTTP:// and clicking on Classmate Profiles at the top. They'll get a list of all class members. If they click on their own name, they will be taken to a page to let them join. There is no charge for any class member to join or use this site.

Your classmate,

Gary Moore

