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Forum: General Discussion


Digital Technonlogy

Created on: 10/13/11 08:26 PM Views: 76 Replies: 1
Digital Technonlogy
Posted Thursday, October 13, 2011 03:26 PM

We all have some type of digital device in our homes these days.  I've been thinking about all the things I find amazing and convenient as well as frustrating and annoying about my devices.  We are all caught between worlds these days, and I'm wondering what your favorite or least favorite things are about this new "Digital Age"?  What do you hate and what do you miss about the "Good Old Days"?   

RE: Digital Technonlogy
Posted Thursday, October 13, 2011 09:53 PM

I like the cell phone myself.  In the past you always had to find a pay phone to call someone if you were out running and you had to make a special call. NOW, the phone is right there with you and in most cases, you can get in  connect with anyone you need to. I don't believe in calling just to call somebody but rather use it wisely. The computer has surely helped us with contacting classmates for the 50th reunion. SO, thumbs up for the computer age. I don't have any I-PODS,I-PADS AND SUCH but I'm sure people who do have them, enjoy them.  I do have video games that I enjoy now and then. 

Jerry Walker