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Forum: General Discussion


Drive-In Movies !

Created on: 10/13/11 05:56 PM Views: 104 Replies: 3
Drive-In Movies !
Posted Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:56 PM

The # of drive-in theaters in US has tumbled from a high of 4,063 in 1958 to 374 in 2010. Those were the days!!  What are your favorite memories from our time at the Drive-Ins?  We had both the 75 Drive In and the Gordon Twin Drive In theaters.   

RE: Drive-In Movies !
Posted Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:00 PM

Ah, the drive-in movies.  Most of the time, they weren't bad but once in a while you got a bad speaker and you drove around trying to find a good one. So much for watching the movie.  Some times it was just for being with that special person rather than watching the  stupid show.  Of course, weather some times played a trick on us and you couldn't see the show---oh well back to that special someone(RIGHT)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry Walker

Edited 10/13/11 10:01 PM
RE: Drive-In Movies !
Posted Friday, October 14, 2011 04:00 AM

Does anyone happen to know if any records were kept to document whose trunk held the most people while driving into the drive-in-theater?  My best memory is that my old 51 Lincoln trunk held only 4 people.  Surely someone did better than that.

RE: Drive-In Movies !
Posted Friday, October 14, 2011 01:56 PM

My fond memories of the drive-ins. I would say many trips to both and very special nights and sometimes the movies were good. Oh wait a minute I think it's been long enough to say that or I sure hope so.  Anyway the drive-in movies were really special for everyone I hope. Better stop before I get into trouble. Maybe more later????


