Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Joshua Armstrong
Steven Bartas
Deana Bickford
Richard Bierbower
Sarah Bigley
Dustin Brown
Joshua Carlson
Paul Catt
David Causer
Amy Crocker
Erick Dallary
Michael DuBeck
Charles Duffy
Shawn Dunkle
Suzanne Dunkle
Jennifer Eaton
Michael Foltz
Raymond Green
Benjamin Herbert
Sergio Herrera
Jessica Himes
Joann Hull
David Keppel
Anna Kiehlmeier
Brian Kunselman
Jeffery Larson
Bradley Leet
Matthew Leet
Jessica Mihalko
Daniel Mitchell
Oscar Molina
Kylee O'Brien
Dominic Petruzzi
Milton Pierce
Jessica Rankin
Frederick Raszmann
Christopher Rooke
Benjamin Scott
Jeffrey Shostak
Jesse Struble
Perry Tanner
Sheena Tanner
David Thomas
Jessica Toothman
Jennifer VanSkiver
Jonathan Watson
Carisa Woods
Cody Wright
Jacob Yingling
