SOHI/Skyview High School

Welcome to the Home Page for the combined 20th Reunion to Soldotna High School and Skyview High School! We will be posting information here to keep everyone informed over the next 15 months. There is a gallery for you to upload any old photos you have for everyone to enjoy. So dust those photos off and get them uploaded! We will be running polls to get everyones input on events. This reunion will be a group effort, make sure you VOTE! Once we get everything lined out and final decisions have been made, we will be able to sell tickets to this event. This website will allow us to accept payments for the cost of the reunion. Feel free to browse around the website, if you see someones name in the missing classmates list that hasn't joined, please let them know! If you have any questions, please submit them and one of our administrators will be happy to help. Thanks for being a part of this, It's going to be alot of work but well worth it! See you all soon!