Jan Chargois

Profile Updated: November 18, 2011
Residing In: West Linn, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Parris
Children/Grandchildren: Christopher, born 1993, Andre, born 1998
Military Service: Army
Occupation/Career(s): Commercial Real Estate Broker
Family who are SPHS grads:

Ramona Chargois (Cirrito), sister,1960

Other SPHS graduates I keep in touch with:

Rob Feder, Randy (stick) Ware, Gary Vanlandingham


Specialize in Hotel, Motel and Resort invesments and sales.

School Memories:

Loved those spring breaks at Newport Beach - alot of good times and bad behavior. 1962 Spring break we had a track meet during our "off" time - we were in no condition to compete - it was a dissaster for us who were participating in the big party at Newport. I think I learned something from that episode.

Teachers, Mentors & Greatest Heroes:

Coach Swift got me out of many problems - i.e., my bad boy behavior. Got to hand it to coach Solari - what a guy to put up with the likes of me. Although I only attended SPHS for 2 years those years outlined some of my fondest memories. The teachers and all the people I met are a part of me and I appreciate having the opportunity to share that slice of life with them - what a great experience.

Milestones, Epiphanies:

Getting out of there with a diploma. Spent three years in the Army - Korea, Thailand and USA - got out of that mess and grew up. Graduated from Long Beach State with a Mathematics degree, did some post graduate work in education and phsycology - grew up some more. Now here I am a wife, two children, almost grown up and 65 years young.

Pastimes & Hobbies:

Playing music, boating, travelling, having great family time with my wife and boys.

Favorite Music, Songs, Bands:

Jazz and Blues - any and all.

Jan's Latest Interactions

Jan Chargois has a birthday today.
Oct 18, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Jan Chargois added a comment on Profile.
Feb 21, 2015 at 2:17 PM
Jan Chargois has a birthday today.
Oct 18, 2014 at 4:33 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:20 AM
Older son Chris (16)
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:20 AM
Younger son Andre (11)
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:20 AM
Posted: Feb 05, 2011 at 5:14 PM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:20 AM
