Schoolmate Profiles

Select Year of Graduation. Guest Members are listed below.

1938 1946 1954 1962
1939 1947 1955 1963
1940 1948 1956 1964
1941 1949 1957 1965
1942 1950 1958 1966
1943 1951 1959 1967
1944 1952 1960 1968
1945 1953 1961

     User has created a profile: 12
     Profile contains photos: 3
     In Memory: 9
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 9
     Military Service: 7
   Restricted to Schoolmates only


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Guest Members

Alice Beausoleil (Harvey) (1957)   
Richard Blais (1961)     
Nelson Boiteau (1967)
Norman Bourque (1961)    
Ronald Cournoyer (1960)     
Claudette Desaulnier (1960)    
Constance Farland (Posterro) (1962)
Paul Forcier (1956)    
Jacqueline Gaudreau (1964)
Edward Giroux (1960)     
Elaine Grzembski (Sansoucy) (1966)   
Ronald Hevey (1961)    
Fr. Peter Joyce (1961)  
Paul Lamarine (1960)     
Jeanne Lamothe (Kahikina) (1960)   
Roger Laverdiere (1963)   
Paul LeClair (1961)     
Marc LePain (1961)  
Arthur Marquis (1960)  
Pauline Provost (Bla…) (1962)    
Ramona Robbins (Reccord) (1962)   
Elizabeth Snow (Chapdelaine) (1958)
Claudette St. Cyr (Carr) (1960)   
Nick Sylvestri (1960)    
Irene Zajac (Boudreau) (1958)