School Story:
High School was a great all-round experience for me! Loved taking State in Volleyball - definitely a highlight. Had wonderful friends both girls and guys. Being involved in sports was a great thing for me. Some dances were awesome fun.
One of the craziest things I've done was driving Keri Poch's big blue car - with Keri, Adrienne Dunn, Sher, Stacy, etc - through town while we were being chased by Chris Beck, Jason Baum, Cory Argyle etc. I pulled into a driveway, turned out the lights and we waited, in hysterics. They came and I peeled across the lawn of someone's yard! Barely missing a big ole' tree! I know I had to have left a "mark"! Never did go back to find out. Thats as crazy as I got! Ha! Weren't we wild?!?!!