School Story:
Lots of fun school memories. Hanging out with Brooke, Kim and Carla. Brooke and I were roommates at BYU (Not the dorms! we were way too cool for that) for a few years.
I left BYU in 1992 when Matt and I got married. He had attended U of U and then joined the Navy (was in their nuclear propulsion program...I'm sure there's another more official name for it, but I wasn't that good at being a Navy wife..didn't know all the abbreviations).
We moved to Orlando about 5 days after we got married and haven't lived in Utah since. We lived in Orlando for a year. Loved going to the beaches, sightseeing and being out on our own. Moved to Ballston Spa, NY for 6 mos (upstate, near Saratoga Springs). Lovely area. Then moved to Norfolk, VA for 4 years. Matt started going out to sea on his carrier and I started back to school.
I graduated from Old Dominion University in 1997 with a BSN and starting working as a peds nurse. We moved to Illinois in 1998..first civilian move. I worked in labor and delivery. Had my first son.
I went to grad school to become a midwife, and women's health nurse practitioner, had my second son my second semester of school, graduated in 2004. Love my job! Love that I'm part-time, too. Matt has a great job at a nuclear power plant in operations. My daughter arrived almost 2 years ago.
We live in a nice little town that is similar to what SF USED to be like (not the current SF...totally different now!).
We are about 3 hrs east of Nauvoo if anybody is in the neighborhood! I live about 4 hours away from Brooke (in Missouri) so if anybody wants to meet us in St. Louis, let us know! She'll bring cake!
Please note that in the photo of my daughter and I, we were in Florida and a bit sunburned. If you look closely, you can see the shape of a bow sunburned on the top of her head. Poor thing. She has way more hair now!