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07/14/08 12:23 AM #29    

Dana Jolley

I don't remember the shanking incident either. Too bad we didn't have YouTube or video phones back then!

07/14/08 06:03 PM #30    

John Hart

I don't think there is enough room in here for all the Tom Clark stories, all of us who had at least one class with him laughed till they near cried at least half of the period. One of my favorite memories was graduation night when we were all out there trying to hide the beach balls and silly string and the look on Mrs. Crouch's face well ......PRICELESS. Charity awesome job can't wait to see everyone! WATCH OUT SOUTHERN HILLS C.C. CLASS OF '98 BACK TOGETHER AGAIN

07/14/08 10:42 PM #31    

Tom Clark

Hey guys i just found out about this forum so i need to set the record straight on a few things. First when i
"allegedly" shanked angie i tripped on a banana peel in the lunch room and just reached for anything to break my fall. Second i took the blame for alot of things brice murphy done but i was too good of a friend to call him out on it and how does he repay me he makes me walk with a big girl in his wedding i get no respect. And finally the story with the magic tile that somehow went around 5 people and lodged itself into Brad Walkers leg, well he deserved it for being a bully to all the other misfortunate kids and someone had to stand up to him and if he thought that was bad wait till the reunion when i go after him and have one of the doyle thugs stand in front of the bathroom so he cant run in there and cry this time. Ps thanks for putting all this together Charity and Karma

07/15/08 09:40 PM #32    

Dana Chatman

ya'll, i really felt old when i came home for memorial day. i drove by wchs and saw a sign that read, 'congratulations class of 2008'. i had to do a double take. after catching my breath, i realized that it really has been 10 years since that was us.
congrats class of '98! can't wait to see you in oct. thx again charity.

08/20/08 09:39 AM #33    

Kathy Wilson (Hatmaker)

Kinda sounds to me like Tom may seriously need to wear body armour to reunion. . . . Bless his heart

08/20/08 04:39 PM #34    

Timothy Paul Selby

Hey all how many of you remember me ?

10/05/08 11:49 PM #35    

Karma Briggs (Carter)

Does anybody remember the football game where Mr. Dycus got hit in the eye? For some reason I remember that happening but can't remember when or who we were even playing against. Just wondering if anyone had any memories of it.

10/07/08 02:38 PM #36    

Tyler Mackie

Okay these superlatives are hilarious!! Jaquay got voted on several items and he wasn't in our class for graduation, and the simple fact that Heather Burrows made the list is priceless!

10/07/08 09:39 PM #37    

Karma Briggs (Carter)

I agree Tyler...and nobody even knows where Heather Burrows is...She probably will be like one of those people who went from geek to sheek and shock us all!!! BTW Tyler guess we'll have to do the locker thing at the next reunion, huh???

10/09/08 09:10 AM #38    

Nicole Howard (Farley)

I thought that was funny too about Jaquay. However, he was the first one I thought about too. He is the perfect choice. Does anyone know what ever happened to him?

10/10/08 11:20 AM #39    

Luke Teeple

Know many of you are probably shocked to see me posting something. For those of you that have come into town early for tomorrow,and for those of you that are around all the time. The White Co. YF&R is having a haunted barn at the barn at the ballfeilds on HWY 70. $5 7:30-11:00 fri and sat. nights. Have fun saturday night.

10/10/08 04:37 PM #40    

Monica Austin-Raichart (Cline)

The superlatives ARE funny. I was shocked to see that someone knows how many tattoos I have...they were a little off on the piercings though. I have several more than they said. :) I can't wait to see everybody tomorrow. Thanks for all your hard work on the reunion Charity and Karma!

10/12/08 11:22 PM #41    

Angie Stafford (Howard)

What a great reunion. I had so much fun. It was really great seeing everyone. I felt like we were back in school,all except the extra pounds that I added. Thanks again for all the hard work with tracking everyone down. We had the best class in White County High School history.I can't wait to the next reunion.

10/13/08 04:34 PM #42    

Brad Walker

I'm so glad the reunion went well. I was so sad to miss it and not be able to see everyone. As I've read your posts about how much fun it was, it makes me more sad. I have multiple sclerosis, as some of you know, and am doing an aggressive treatment right now. Also, we are having our second child on October 27th (Brian Cannon's birthday--funny I still remember after all of these years--he was my first best friend). Does he go by Anthony now? Please, let's try to stay in touch and maybe we can have some small gatherings until next time. Blessings!

10/14/08 10:02 AM #43    

Nicole Howard (Farley)

Good luck with your treatments, Brad. I will keep you in my prayers. Also, congrats on the new baby!!!!! Is it a boy or a girl?

10/15/08 04:37 PM #44    

Monica Austin-Raichart (Cline)

The reunion was so much fun! Thanks again Charity and Karma for pulling it all together. You were with us in spirit Brad. I'm really glad i decided to go. I'll certainly always remember it.

10/17/08 11:36 AM #45    

Kathy Wilson (Hatmaker)

HEY! Somebody needs to post some pictures of the reunion for those of us that didn't get to go!!!! Please and Thanks

10/21/08 01:00 AM #46    

Anthony Cannon

Yes Walker I go by Anthony now. The thing is with your son being born on my bday you know he will be one smart and good looking kid. We all understand you could not make it, but to be honest you were the one guy I wanted to see most. I think the reunion went perfect. When the clock stuck twelve and we all had to leave it was almost sad since the crowd was still having a good time. Just gotta say to Charity that everything was perfect and when I hit my first million we will be having more events like that on my tab. KEEP IN TOUCH EVERYONE!!

10/21/08 07:40 PM #47    

Brad Walker


Great to hear from you, bro. I'll have to work really hard to call you Anthony. I looked forward to seeing you there too. It sounds like everything was alot of fun. Maybe we can get together sometime in Sparta. I'd love my wife to meet you and see a face to put behind alot of funny stories. Take care, buddy.

10/26/08 12:34 PM #48    

John Hart

Hey Brad my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and congratulationas on the new addition to the family I would like to see pictures when you get a chance to post them on your profile, and as Anthony stated you were there in spirit. The reunion was off the charts awesome we need to do something once a year so we don't have to wait another 10-15 years to see everyone we were such a tight nit group back in the day and that was evident that night if anyone would like to contact me on this I am all in favor of helping get this type of event off the ground. My email address is or my cell phone number is 1-(931)-529-2638. Awesome job Charity and the rest of the organizational group.

10/26/08 05:16 PM #49    

Charity Pitman (Holman)

I do have to say that one thing that is continuing to echo throughout everyones answers is that they do not want to have to wait for the next five or ten years to do someting together. So after thinking, here is my conclusion....We could do something yearly on a much smaller scale of course but keepit the same weekend every year so that everyone could plan for it if they were interested in attending. I don't want to take anything away from the "class reunions" so I do think it would need to be something completely different. These are a few of the suggestions so far....a good ole fashion bon fire and campout (I am sure we could find someones property to use) or a weekend on the lake or even just a day/night or we could meet at a destination like Gattlinburg and reserve a few chalets actually anywhere for that fact or do a rapids trip, Anything really! It's up to us how creative we want to get. this may be way out there or it could be really awesome, who knows. I do want some feed back on this because like I said I am just going off of other peoples post. Let me know how you feel about this, what you think would be fun to do and would you consider participating in somethng like this. It could be that 10 show up or 50 show up. Email me back just a quick thought!!!
Let me know what you are thinking??????????? below

10/27/08 10:34 PM #50    

Karma Briggs (Carter)

Yeah Charity I'm all for the yearly long as I don't have to harass everyone to come, lol. I think it would be great, just keep me posted on what I can do to help. The reunion was great though, great job Charity!!! Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication...even though you felt like pulling your hair out at times, it stilled turned out to be awesome!

11/02/08 03:20 PM #51    

Rachel England (Taylor)

Hope everyone is doing good. This is the first time I have had a chance to post. Missed getting to see everyone.

11/05/08 04:12 PM #52    

Misty Stone (Shirley)

Charity - I'm up for the yearly thing too. That would be great. I like your ideas.

12/31/09 04:50 PM #53    

William Bohannon

Hey guys and dolls,

i recently had Paul Varley contact me. he said he moved fromw hite county in 1995-1996 and he was wanting to find some of his long last friends from wchs. if you are interested in contacting him let me know i can give you his facebook page,and his phone number. or if you like i give me your email address and i will pass it on to him.

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