Monica Clark

Profile Updated: February 18, 2010
Residing In: Spokane, WA USA
Children: I have 2 step children name Sarah whose 23 and Jay whose 20
Occupation: Pharmacy Tech
Homepage / facebook / myspace: Facebook and Myspace
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



Ummm ya don't think so and if my step daughter has any kids that I don't know about I'm gonna kill her lol

How did you get into that line of work?

I used to work special needs children and always interested me why they were taking the meds they were taking

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

Just graduate damnit

Past jobs?

I worked with special needs kids for 10 years and thats how I got into working with meds, and all sorts of other jobs that I could bore you with bit not going to do that

Did you attend college, technical or vocational school? Degrees or certificates received?

I went to SFCC and Apollo college to get my degrees

Did you belong to a fraternity/sorority or other academic organization? Were you a member of a sports team?

I coach and have been coaching a womans and coed softball teams for 12 years now in the Spokane County Parks Recs Program

Where do you live now?

Spokane Valley

Where else have you lived?

I lived in Denver, CO for 4 years when I was 21 and played for the Colorado Silver Bullets

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to coach and play softball

Travel much?

My softball team travels to different tourneys every year. Also love to go the Coast and catch the SUNSET it is so beautiful

Any nicknames now?

I go by "Mo"

What are some of your favorite memories of SPHS?

Playing softball and Choir and friends

Least favorite memories?


Other memories of high school?

Softball games

What would you do differently if you went back to your time at SPHS?

Get better grades so that I could go to the college I wanted to and play softball

Famous or interesting people you've met?

Ricki Lake, Melissa Ethridge, Ellen, Mary Stuart Mastterson, Johnny Depp, Aiden Quin, Cuba Gooding JR, Derek Jeter and other players from the New York Yankees (Love the YANKEES)

Cool things you've done?

Have been on the Ricki Lake Show (95), Love to go the Yankees games over in Seattle whenever I can to meet Derek Jeter and the Yankees that year

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I have been on the Rick Lake Show, and I played for the Colorado Silver Bullets, and that I have 22 Tattoos but that I can cover every single one of them if need be lol

Any words of wisdom?

Live life to the fullest because you never know when it will end!!!!

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Monica Clark has a birthday today.
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Monica Clark has a birthday today.
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Monica Clark has a birthday today.
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