Sara Tankersley

Profile Updated: August 13, 2010
Sara Tankersley
Residing In: Seattle, WA USA
Occupation: Insurance Claims / Seamstress/Bookbinder
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Attending Reunion


How did you get into that line of work?

Lucky chance and a desire to create combined with a love of books.

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

I had no idea. I assumed I'd go to college. I didn't go to college until I was 33!

Past jobs?

Spokane Public Library, Denny's, IHOP, Gallaway's Irish Pub - Kitchen Manager, Communications Center Inc. - Data Processing Manager, Commercial Industrial Design Architecture - Assistant Bookkeeper, Insurance Auto Auctions, Allstate Claims, Calvary Chapel Bible College - Assistant Librarian, Grange Insurance - Salvage Coordinator

Did you attend college, technical or vocational school? Degrees or certificates received?

Calvary Chapel Bible College - Associates of Theology
Heading soon to Multnomah Bible University

Did you belong to a fraternity/sorority or other academic organization? Were you a member of a sports team?

Only Debate!

(Which we did manage to successfully argue was just as much of a "sport" as Shadle's football team. Never try to out debate the Varsity Debaters in a Student Council meeting!)

Where do you live now?

Marysville, WA

Where else have you lived?

Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Murietta, CA
York, Yorkshire, UK
Spokavegas, WA

High points of your life since high school?

Being found on FaceBook by Brian Morgans, Tara Wetherell and Peter Morris. Having a recession proof job with a company I love. Risking everything to go to Bible College. Living in England. Going to Israel. Finding old friends who I thought were gone but now live in Seattle.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Embroidery, Corsetry, Custom Sewing, Bookbinding - Repairs and Making from Scratch, Finances, Studying Koine Greek, Bible Study, Cooking, Reading, Drawing, Writing

Travel much?

Yes! I visit friends in Mississippi, Arkansas, New York City, Colorado Springs, Hawaii, California, and Alaska. I spent three and a half months (one semester) living in York England and got to spend a life changing 10 days in Israel.

Did you have any nicknames in school?

Not that I care to remember.

Any nicknames now?

Not that I care to let you know about. ;)

What are some of your favorite memories of SPHS?

Alice Tarr at graduation practice speaking up to defend me. Eating Fiddle Faddle for lunch with Kara and Tara and Polly. Finding that my strangeness was ok in debate and that it was appreciated that I was smart. Spending time with Bryan Corte and Joe Sonduck when I was supposed to be in the library working on my debate case.

Least favorite memories?

... Too many to mention. It's all in the past. Though I will say that our councilor trying to get me to drop debate every year to take "Child Development" was particularly insulting.

Other memories of high school?

Debate trips. Mrs. Becker. Bob Gillmore always pretending to forget everyone's names but still always calling me my sister's name and asking me about my debate case. Having a crush for YEARS on entirely the wrong guy!

What would you do differently if you went back to your time at SPHS?

I wouldn't neglect my homework. I wouldn't have separated myself from my male friends from grade school. I'd have picked better company. I'd have studied my German more - turns out it's very important when studying ancient Greek! I wouldn't worry so much that I didn't fit in and instead embrace my abilities.

Famous or interesting people you've met?

Meh. Everyone is interesting. No one "famous" but everyone I've met has been important.

Cool things you've done?

Learned to bind books! (Am I repeating myself here?) Learned to make corsets. Started my own small business. Learned Koine Greek. Got my life back together. Lived in England and found a place where I really belonged. Traveled extensively. Lived a difficult but ultimately joyful life.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I'm divorced. No kids. God is my driving passion. I have three tattoos. I spent five and a half years homeless after graduation.

Any words of wisdom?

Life can be so beautiful if you let it. Be careful with your heart, it is precious. Do things for the pure joy of them. Never let passion die.

Anything else we should know?

I never thought I would, but I am looking forward to seeing you all. Meeting up with Brian and Peter in Seattle recently has really helped me place things in their proper order.

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Jul 09, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Sara Tankersley has a birthday today.
Jul 09, 2015 at 4:34 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:57 AM
Prom - I went to G. Prep's and C.V.'s. Not ours.
