In Memory

Douglas Burdge

Douglas Burdge

Donald Burdge passed away on 6/11/2020.

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10/19/20 09:34 PM #1    

Louis Costello

Doug and I (along with Grant Smith) went from grade school through LC together. After graduation I lost touch with Doug until one afternoon this past Spring when he called me quite unexpectedly while I was on my way to a doctors appointment. He told me he only had a m onth or two to live due to a cancer he had contracted as a part of his job as a fireman.

The purpose of the call was to apologize for an incident that happened between us back in junior high (Libby) and had bothered him for all these years. Honestly I'm not sure I even remember what happened. Anyway I think that incident spoke volumes about the quality of Doug.

He was a really good guy.

Lou Costello 

10/20/20 08:38 AM #2    

Catherine Finn (Baldwin)

What a wonderful thing to hear. He was getting ready God's way. No disappointments. 

10/23/20 10:28 PM #3    

Robert Montgomery

Doug Burdge andI I were in the same room as sophmores. I was the only M in B home room with Mr. Worman. That started off as good friends and did a lot of crazy things together, We did have common ground as car guys,We laughted a lot getting greasey and crusing the town on week ends. Doug was one funny guy leaving no ones misfortunes uncovered. We became disconnected when he enlisted in the Marines.Then one day after a long time he and his pulled into my driveway towing a 5th wheel trailor.after traveling  the US. Him and I went to two L.C. reunions togrther. His wife called  about his passing and that was hard to take. But as we look back at the good times and knowing he is in a better place our memories continue.  Rest in Peace my friend and God bless  Bob M.

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