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Kathy Immel Wogman

Kathy Immel
Residing At: North Powder, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Larry Wogman 47 years
Children: Nicki, born 1968
Kari, born 1972
Occupation: Teaching,Tutoring,4-H leader-ing,Ranch Bookkeeper
Marital Status



Nicki's: Tyler, born 1993
Katy, born 2002

Kari's: Syrinda, born 2000
Jesse, born 2004

Previous school:

Roosevelt Grade School

Other Schooling:

BA - WSU (Teaching degree)

What have you been doing the last 10 years?

Ranching - doing ranch "books" and being the very best "Nana" I can be...(it's the very best job God gave me!!). Still tutoring a little...lots of volunteer stuff - whenever.

How do you spend your time now?

Snail mail, church, Bible study, bike riding (bicycle = no motor), books - always have a "pile" to turn to ... whatever my friends and family calendar asks of me...

Coming to the Reunion?


Where have you traveled?

All over - Larry was president of a National horse association = new friends, new places, but grandkids visits are best! So is Cannon Beach, OR., my personal favorite.

Favorite High School Memory

Friends - I love remembering that "everyone matters" (my Mom & Dad's advice). It was a good place, a lot of good memories.