In Memory


Dave Shriner


David Sylva Shriner


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02/18/13 03:39 PM #1    

Barry Fancher

This was sent to the Class of 1963 by Sue Peterson:

The alumni at Lewis and Clark need to google: David Sylva Shriner. You will discover what a remarkable career David had as a research scientist [he would have been in his element in today's discussions on global warming]. Not only was David a Ph.D. but he authored research papers and books about the environment. He spent a number of years working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. Lewis and Clark would [and should be] proud of this alumnus.

He was survived by he wife, Sue, and daughter, Megan.

06/03/13 10:21 AM #2    

Houston Scrudder

Dave Shriner was my friend for over 45 years.  We met as freshmen at L. C. and maintained our friendship until his death.  He was always a caring friend.  I always wished more of us (me) could have come as close to achieving our own potential as Dave did.

He was among the earliest researchers on acid rain in the U.S., became director of terrestial ecology at the National Labs in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, served under President Clinton on the White House staff on water issues, and ultimately acheived his dream job.  He always wanted the Smokey Bear hat of the Forrest Rangers and acheived that in his final job in research in Minnesota.

He would say his greatest achievement was a wonderful wife Sue and daughter Meagan.

We should all take some pride in having known Dave and shared some time with him here.

06/04/13 10:11 AM #3    

Ralph Gamon

Dave was one of my very best friends and he introduced me to my wife, Theresa.  We had many fun times in high school and college!

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