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•   Bill Franks  7/8
•   Tom Hansen  7/2
•   Larry Ganders (Ganders)  7/2
•   Joy Lynn Harris (Powell)  6/22
•   Paul Roth  6/8
•   Ray Milton  6/7
•   Steve Chance  5/21
•   Theresa Van de Ven  5/21
•   Susan Dusek (Cox)  5/11
•   Dorie Hanson (Hill)  5/5
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
4 live in Arizona
6 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
8 live in Idaho
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
2 live in Montana
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
6 live in Oregon
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
105 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Manitoba
204 location unknown
40 are deceased


•   Janie Calkins (Rumberger)  7/31
•   Larry Ganders (Ganders)  8/2
•   Laura Sather (Kingsley)  8/2
•   Dorie Hanson (Hill)  8/6
•   Kathleen Foley (Bendixen)  8/19
•   Vickie Gehrke (Bachofner)  8/23


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


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Welcome to the Lewis and Clark High School Class of 1974 website! We've set up this site to stay in touch with our friends from years ago, and specifically right now to plan for our 45 year reunion!

Plus, we've got a Facebook page too! Click here to sign up for that one too!!!

If this is your first time here, you'll need to join the site. Click on the link on the right that says "JOIN HERE", find your name and follow the instructions to set up your profile. The next thing you're going to want to do is help find our other classmates. If you know where anyone is and know their email address you can enter it in the "Missing Classmates" box further down on the right side, and they'll be sent a message to join up.

It's as simple as that!



LC Class of 1974 Clebration (Reunion) Final Plans and Registration to Attend

Hello Fellow 74 Classmates,

The reunon committee has been hard at work planning our Class of 74 Celebration for September.         Can you believe it will be 50 years?! 

*** If you would like to attend the reunion the cost per person is $55 ($110 per couple/guest) Please send checks made out to LC Class of 74 care of Beth Phillips 24320 N Dalton Rd. Deer Park, Wa 99006 or Venmo tp LC Class of 74  (@LC-Class74).

Let's all plan to be there and celebrate together! The reuion is scheduled for September 13-15th, 2024.

Friday - September 13th - 5:00 PM

To kick off the weekend of celebration the class will be gathering at David's Pizza across from the Arena. Food and drink will be available for individual purchase. It will be an informal event so come mingle with everyone you haven't seen in years! If you would like, come dressed in 70s attire. If you have any LC 74 memorabilla please bring it to share as we will be setting up a table to display.

Saturday September 14th

7:30 AM - We have scheduled tee times at Wandermere golf course for those who want to golf. If you would like to join the golfers call Bob Hanna at (509)217-7521 to reserve a spot.There will be a seperate cost for this event.

1:00 -2:30 PM- Lewis & Clark High School Tour   Come see all that has changed at our old school and maybe a few things that haven't.

6:00 - 10:00 PM-  Celebration at the Gathering House 733 W. Garland

This will be a semi-casual event (dress as you are comfortable) including drinks (beer & wine), dinner (Catered by Island Style), and entertainment.

6:00-7:00 - Social Hour, 7:00- 8:00 - Dinner, 8:00 10:00 - Music/Entertainment (Maybe some dancing) , hang around and visit. ( Let us know if you have any dietary or health restructions when you get signed up.) We will be turning in a food count a couple weeks before so sign up early to be counted.

Sunday - September 15th -

11:30 AM - Family Picnic at Manito Park

This final gathering will be in Upper Manito Park on 25th. Bring chairs and your own picnic. Invite whoever you want to bring; your kids,grandkids,or people from other classes.


We are in need of volunteers for - *Setup *Sign in Desk * Take Down *Photo Person                                                 If you have any information on any class members who have recently passed away let us know.





